Please Note: Dr. Raymond Moody appears remotely.
Discover the wisdom of the afterlife and its profound impact on your life now with this transformational retreat led by world-renowned spirit mediums and researchers Dr. Raymond A. Moody, Karen Noé, Paul Perry, and Shawn Leonard.
Throughout the weekend, you:
- Examine life after death through thousands of readings and personal experiences that offer proof of continued existence
- Learn how living with peace, raising your vibration, and embracing oneness with God influences your life review and spiritual evolution.
- Explore how to initiate your life review through powerful exercises such as letter-writing that reveal immediate results and personal growth
Through ceremonial words, meditation, and connecting with your sacred spiritual light, you elevate your energetic vibration, opening the doorway to the spirit world and enhancing your ability to receive divine messages and insights for yourself and others.
Teachers are subject to change.