Quantum physics tells us that "our thoughts create reality." This means that our current social, political, and ecological crisis, as well as the negative dynamics in our own personal lives, are all first born of our thoughts.
But there is an ancient and magical mind that we can learn to adopt for ourselves that creates new thoughts and new realities.
In this provocative and experiential workshop, you learn a nature-based psychology of the shamans and the natural alchemists—a specific way of seeing the world that opens you to personal power, supernatural connection, energetic attunement, sensual embodiment, and a re-enchantment with natural world.
We weave Indigenous wisdom, magical practice, modern psychology, ecological knowledge, Goddess spirituality, and sexual polarity to usher in a new and wild consciousness that can change the world.
Please note: This workshop may not be appropriate for minors or anyone with unresolved sexual trauma.