workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Reiki Master Training & Certification

With Brett Bevell.

Sep 26–28, 2025


Member: $360.00

Standard: $400.00

Woman receiving reiki treatment

Deepen your practice and get certified in this professional Reiki master level training with Brett Bevell.

Brett Bevell demonstrates a Reiju Blessing, a technique taught in master level classes for sending Reiki healing energy in condensed form.

In the sacred tradition of Reiki training, a Reiki master is empowered with the energetic ability to initiate others into the Reiki system of natural healing. Once that ability is hardwired into our energetic system through master level Reiki initiation, it changes life for the better by raising our vibration and attracting situations, people, and circumstances that are in alignment with our soul’s highest purpose.

In this 2-day training with Reiki master Brett Bevell, we are initiated with three master level symbols and learn how to use these symbols to deepen our own healing practice and initiate others into the Reiki system. We also explore advanced Reiki practices that enhance psychic ability as well as techniques that allow one individual to send Reiki healings to many people simultaneously.

This workshop is for those who want to become professional Reiki teachers, as well as those who want to simply deepen their healing practice. All who complete this training receive Reiki master certification.

Prerequisite: Previous training in Reiki second degree is required and students must have a foundational knowledge of the three second-degree Reiki symbols. All who complete Bevell's First & Second Degree Reiki Training are eligible.

More Information

Workshop begins Friday at 7:00 p.m.

Faculty recommends you read the following books in preparation for the course:
  • Reiki for Spiritual Healing by Brett Bevell
  • The Reiki Magic Guide to Self-Attunement by Brett Bevell

Upon completion of the course, you will be certified as a Reiki Master and given a certificate.

Workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Sep 26–28, 2025

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Reiki Master Training & Certification

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  • Omega faculty Brett Bevell

    Brett Bevell

    Brett Bevell, a Reiki master since 1995, is author of several books, including The Wizard’s Guide to...