Grandmother Flordemayo (from New Mexico) is a Mayan curandera espiritu (healer of divine spirit), president of The Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, founding member of the Institute for Natural and Traditional Knowledge, and is recognized as a priestess by the Maya. She is one of the 13 elders of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and a recipient of the Martin De La Cruz Award (awarded by Congress of Traditional Medicine).
The Indigenous Grandmothers are medicine carriers, wisdom bearers, and spiritual elders from indigenous tribes—including the Maori, Ojibwe, Hopi, Mayan, and Sufi traditions. They believe that all traditions have all expressed the same sacred truth: We are one world family and we serve as the caretakers of the planet, along with its multitude of living creatures, all of whom are our kin.