workshop Rhinebeck, NY

You Are Not Your Pain

A Signature Program of Breathworks Mindfulness


Jul 7–12, 2024


Member: $425.00

Tiered Pricing: $470.00 or less

See options under Tuition below

We are no longer taking registrations for this workshop.

Person meditating with their arms wide open

Immerse yourself in the practice of Breathworks’ evidence-based techniques to deepen your mindfulness and manage your pain.

Participate in a short standing meditation guided by mindfulness teacher Jon Aaron.

Note: Vidyamala Burch will participate via livestream.

Chronic pain and illness can feel unbearable, debilitating, and unfair. Discover powerful tools and techniques for managing your symptoms and easing your pain in this 5-day workshop based on Breathworks' renowned 8-week Mindfulness for Health program.

Mixing mindfulness, compassion, and meditation practices with modern pain management strategies, this transformational program is evidence based and results driven. This is a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in these practices within a residential setting, guided by highly skilled teachers Jon Aaron and Mary Rothfusz with live video presentations from the founder and creative director of Breathworks in the United Kingdom, Vidyamala Burch.

Engage in:

  • Body scan and breath awareness meditations to help relax, release tension, and use the breath as an aid for pain management
  • Gentle, restorative mindful movement techniques (suitable for all) to experience meditation in motion
  • Mindfulness and pacing practices to live with more awareness and overcome the tendency to overdo it on good days and collapse on bad days Activities designed to help you overcome the negativity bias of attention, live with gratitude, and cultivate joy in the small pleasures of life
  • Meditation techniques to support these skills and awaken mindfulness, self-compassion, and joy.
  • Opportunities to talk to members of the Breathworks team one-to-one about your personal meditation practice

Return home ready to live a richer and fuller life, restore your well-being, and ensure your pain or health condition is well managed.

This course is designed for those in pain, with health conditions, or simply wishing to experience greater well-being, as well as for health and other professionals wishing to deepen their understanding and experience of mindfulness.

Workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Jul 7–12, 2024

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You Are Not Your Pain

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We are no longer taking registrations for this workshop.

  • Omega faculty Jon Aaron

    Jon Aaron

    Jon Aaron is a Certified MBSR Teacher Trainer and a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

  • Mary-Rothfusz-bio_cropped

    Mary Rothfusz

    Mary Rothfusz is a psychologist, clinical mental health counseling student, and yoga, meditation...

  • Vidyamala Burch

    Vidyamala Burch is a mindfulness and compassion teacher, speaker, coach, and award-winning author.