The Indigenous Grandmothers

“It doesn’t matter what country you are from; in the end we find
each other as one people, one family.” —Indigenous Grandmothers

The Indigenous Grandmothers are medicine carriers, wisdom bearers, and spiritual elders from indigenous tribes—including the Maori, Ojibwe, Hopi, Mayan, and Sufi traditions. They believe that all traditions have all expressed the same sacred truth: We are one world family and we serve as the caretakers of the planet, along with its multitude of living creatures, all of whom are our kin.

These traditional and indigenous grandmothers travel the world together to experience timeless wisdom, solidarity, inspiration, and hope for the future. They also bear witness to the wounds of people and the Earth, offering traditional wisdom and healing practices that are needed now more than ever—to ease environmental degradation, war, and other social ills.

The Indigenous Grandmothers Features:

Mary Lyons (from Minnesota) is an Ojibwe Elder, "Second Water Woman" (water-carrier to her people), member of the Women of Wellbriety Int'l Council, and founding member of the Nations of Wellbriety Int'l USA, and active observer at the United Nations.

Flordemayo (from New Mexico) is a Mayan Curandera Espiritu (healer of divine spirit), founding member of the Institute for Natural and Traditional Knowledge, recipient of the Martin De La Cruz Award (awarded by Congress of Traditional Medicine), and is recognized as a priestess by the Maya.

Moitu Taha (from New Zealand) is a Maori Tuhoe Elder, member of Grandmothers Circle the Earth, Aotearoa.

Eila Paul (from New Zealand) is a Maori Tainue Elder, member of Grandmothers Circle the Earth, Aotearoa, healer, story teller, songleader, and dreamweaver.

Pershehi Ami (from Arizona) is an Elder of the Hopi-Tewa, member of The Urban Indian Coalition of Arizona, creator and trainer of “I am Sacred” curriculum, works with the Phoenix Indian Center, and is a participant in the Hopi Tewa Women’s Coalition to End Abuse.

Devi Tide (from Washington) is Kefayat (head) of the Sufi Healing Order and the Art of Healing Foundation, convener of the Rainbow Journeys & Awakening of the World Project.


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