Teo Alfero is an associate Tensegrity® instructor and founder and director of Wolf Connection Conservancy. Born and raised in Argentina, Alfero attended military school and then worked as a mountaineering instructor in the Andes Mountains before moving in 1999 to Los Angeles, where he deepened his Tensegrity practice.
Alfero joined the team of Tensegrity® facilitators in 2003 and has also helped to lead joint events given by Cleargreen and Wolf Connection.
As a result of his search for his path with heart, Alfero began to embrace the legacy of his family’s lineage of educators and developed a passion to be of service to others, particularly young people in need of mentoring and guidance. He has been a children’s court advocate with the CASA program and is a registered foster father, a trainer for the Safe School Ambassadors program, and a certified life coach and mentor for adolescents and young adults.
In 2008 Teo Alfero founded Spring of Evolution, Inc., a nonprofit initiative, with Wolf Connection’s youth education and empowerment program as its centerpiece.