Jay Fields, author of Teaching People, Not Poses, is known for "walking her talk" and for supporting her clients in showing up authentically and unapologetically.

Tapping the vein of guidance and integrity that arises from a life dedicated to embodied spiritual practice, Fields guides others to unearth this same vein within themselves. Her gift lies in her practical and poetic approach to helping people lead more inspired lives that are uniquely their own.

Jay Fields has spent the last 15 years leading vision quests, teaching yoga, and helping people fall to pieces so they can come back together whole. She holds a Master's degree in Integral Transformative Education.

What People are Saying About Jay Fields

“In the presence of Jay while she was teaching, I had a direct experience of the generous, elegant power within myself.”
—Elena Brower, founder and co-owner of Virayoga, and coauthor of Art of Attention

“Jay is a uniquely talented teacher—her depth, knowledge, and experience are matched by her humility, straightforwardness and authenticity. She is a rare gem who has a vital message to share with all teachers. She is a teacher’s teacher who will take you to the next level if you let her.”
—Hala Khouri, codirector of Off the Mat, Into the World