Harijiwan Khalsa has been teaching Kundalini Yoga since 1975. Known for his unique gong meditation sessions, his classes are funny, profound, and poetic, and offer people the opportunity to receive rarified instruction and enjoy vast change. With more than 30 years of experience in Kundalini Yoga, Khalsa incorporates a vast knowledge of various methodologies and training into his practice and teaching. His insight and application of Kundalini Yoga is unique in that it offers people a chance to benefit from the multiple aspects of these ancient, yet timely teachings.
For many years, Khalsa served his teacher, Yogi Bhajan—one of the nation’s earliest and pre-eminent leaders in Kundalini Yoga—while traveling around the world with him. This opportunity to study with and observe Yogi Bhajan provided Khalsa with invaluable insight into the nature of consciousness and the human condition.
Kundalini Yoga combines meditation, mantra, physical exercises, and breathing techniques. Khalsa specializes is using large gongs to facilitate Kundalini Yoga’s teachings. “Among the tools the yogi has to merge the finite with the infinite, the gong reigns supreme,” he writes. “It is not an ordinary thing to play; it is an art to play the gong. The gong is not a drum or a musical instrument. The gong is a beautiful reinforced vibration. It is an inter-vibratory system. It is like a multitude of strings, like playing a million strings.”
In addition to leading workshops and retreats, Harijiwan Khalsa also works with corporate and private clients to assist in relationship, financial, personal, and spiritual development. He has released many DVDs and CDs, including Breathe: Kundalini Yoga With Harijiwan Khalsa; Kundalini Meditation; and Resound Meditation Gong.