Erich Schiffmann teaches a style of yoga that emphasizes creative sequencing, intuitive alignment, and guidance from within. A yoga practitioner since 1968, he can be seen on the award-winning DVD, Yoga Mind & Body With Ali MacGraw. He is author of Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness.
Schiffmann became interested in yoga when he was a teenager and by age 18 was accepted by the renowned yoga master, Krishnamurti, to study with him in England. Schiffmann went on to study with yoga masters T.K.V. Desikachar, son and student of T. Krishnamacharya, and B.K.S. Iyengar in India, and then with Dona Holleman, one of Iyengar’s senior pupils, and her friend and mentor, Vanda Scaravelli, in Europe.
Regarded as an innovative yoga practitioner and teacher, Erich Schiffmann has produced many yoga instructional videos and conducts yoga workshops and teacher trainings worldwide. “Yoga is not merely touching your toes, or standing on your head, or folding yourself into a pretzel,” Schiffmann writes. “It’s about how you do what you do, and how you live your daily life on a moment-to-moment basis."