Carolyn Hobbs, MA, has been a licensed marriage and family therapist since 1986, and certified body-centered therapist since 1992. She has studied Buddhist wisdom and practiced insight meditation more than 30 years.
The author of Free Yourself: 10 Life-Changing Powers of your Wise Heart (Wisdom Publications, 2014) and JOY, No Matter What (Conari Press, 2005), Hobbs offers Wise Heart Trainings to psychologists, social workers, and therapists through U.S. Journal’s national professional conferences. She has also been teaching at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center since 2004, has led professional workshops at Santa Fe’s National Conference on the Self & Family since 2008, and is a former visiting graduate professor at the Naropa Institute.
Certified by international trainers Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks, Hobbs blends Buddhist wisdom with body-centered psychology to help people of all faiths cultivate awareness, kindness, and compassion.