Bob Cooley is the founder and president of The Genius of Flexibility Centers located in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, New York City, and Boston, and is an internationally known expert on flexibility and strength. He has been featured in the New York Times, Sports Illustrated, Self, Outside, and professional medical journals. He is author of The Genius of Flexibility—The Smart Way to Stretch and Strengthen Your Body and Resistance Flexibility 1.0—Becoming Flexible in All Ways.
In 1976, Cooley was struck by a drunk driver as he was walking with a friend. His friend did not survive, and Cooley was left with severe physical injuries. In an effort to heal, Cooley studied human movement and the intricacies of the body. He discovered a groundbreaking approach to flexibility that involves stretching and contracting simultaneously.
Cooley then turned his focus towards helping others rehabilitate from trauma and get and stay healthier. He developed a 16-step stretching regimen that improves mobility as well as physiological and psychological health. His teachings have benefitted thousands, from Olympic athletes and artistic performers and others suffering from serious injury.