Bhante Wimala, author of Lessons of the Lotus: Practical Spiritual Teachings of a Travelling Buddhist Monk, was Omega's resident meditation teacher for staff and participants for more than a decade.
At the age of 13, Bhante chose to enter residency at a Buddhist temple. He received his ordination as a novice the following year and completed six years of formal training as a Buddhist monk before he received his higher ordination at age 20. At this stage, a Buddhist monk is typically encouraged by custom or inclination to continue in strictly formal studies, which are primarily academic in their emphasis. Bhante, however, chose to set out into the world, bearing only his robe and bowl.
Traveling for two decades around the world and studying under many teachers and masters has helped to create a compassionate and receptive monk, and led to his book, Lessons of the Lotus. Bante’s practical spiritual teachings and down-to-earth approach make him available, encouraging, and understandable. His philosophy emphasizes the authenticity of experiencing (rather than mere speculating), and a focus on “be-living” rather than “believing.”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama introduces Bhante as “a Theravada Buddhist monk from Sri Lanka, who spends his time traveling and teaching in the spirit of monks at the time of the Buddha. [Bhante] presents the teachings the Buddha gave over 2,500 years ago as if they had been given to address the needs of people today ... Bhante Wimala’s heartfelt concern for suffering and the simple remedies he draws from the Buddha’s teachings will be a source of strength for everyone confused by the pressures of modern life.”