Allyson Grey, MFA, is an artist whose paintings have been exhibited and sold internationally. Cofounder of CoSM (Chapel of Sacred Mirrors), Grey is a community leader with a Master of Fine Arts degree from Tufts University. She has edited and coauthored over a dozen books and journals, lectured widely, and has been an educator and muse to artists for more than 30 years.
The symbol system in her paintings represent an essentialized worldview comprised of chaos, order, and secret writing. Allyson Grey is the wife and partner of internationally renowned artist, Alex Grey, and the mother of accomplished film actress Zena Grey.
Allyson Grey holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from The School of the Museum of Fine Arts and has taught art at several universities and colleges in the United States. Her work has been exhibited widely, including one-person shows at Stux Gallery and O.K. Harris Gallery in New York City. She has had numerous commissions of permanent public works, including a 24-foot mural in a Massachusetts bank building, and her paintings are included in many corporate and private collections.