Like a magical butterfly, who transmigrates from humble caterpillar to magnificent winged creature, we can each find lightness and vision as we experiment with different art techniques. Throughout this weekend workshop, artist Suzi K. Edwards guides you to fearlessly explore your creative spirit.
Combine your favorite colors in a soul mosaic, using glass and ceramic smalti, gravel, twigs, orphan earrings, crystals, and other special objects. Tell your story through your very own tarot collage, which you create using tarot cards, colored paper, photographs, magazine clippings, and text. Use shapes, colors, forms, gestural marks, paint, recycled plastic, and found objects to fashion a non-objective abstract artwork.
Engage in kirtan, movement, mantra, mindfulness, walking, and silent meditation practices to inspire and relax you as you find an easy creative spirit.
This workshop is suitable for beginners and professional artists. All materials will be provided.