March 18, 2021

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How Connecting Will Help Us Achieve Gender Equality

By Hafsat Abiola, Naina Bajekal, and Carla Goldstein

More than ever before, women around the world are connecting dots—between issues, between movements, and between the status of women and the well-being of everyone and our planet. As the global effort for gender equality grows, women from across generations, communities, and continents are linking efforts for exponential change.

In this Omega Conversation, Nigerian human rights leader Hafsat Abiola, senior editor at TIME Naina Bajekal, and Omega president Carla Goldstein explore what it will take to build a world that fosters gender equality, healthy families and communities, and a peaceful, just, and sustainable world—for everybody.

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Connected Women Leaders is a cohort curated across geographies, generations, expertise and experience to convene forums on some of the world's most urgent threats: climate justice, food security, global health, economic inequities, and with a gender and racial lens, working together to shape just, equitable, and sustainable solutions.

The Omega Women's Leadership Center (OWLC) offers an integrated approach to personal growth, leadership development, and social change. Our programs are designed for all who identify as women to strengthen their leadership so that we can help create a world that works—for everybody.