Rikka Zimmerman

Rikka Zimmerman

Rikka Zimmerman guides highly sensitive and talented individuals to embrace their gifts, align with Source, and make the difference they came here to make.  As a global consciousness leader, she has earned acclaim for creating the Life Transformed classes and coaching certification program.

Driven by boundless love for humanity, Rikka has spent the past 17 years traversing the globe, touching the lives of more than 200,000 individuals on a soul-driven mission to guide humanity back to love. Her innate gift lies in channeling the infinite, wondrous, and magical consciousness of Source into practical systems, tools, and processes that empower her clients to manifest profound miracles in their lives.

Rikka has collaborated with spiritual luminaries such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Lynn McTaggert, Gregg Braden, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, John Assaraf, Panache Desai, and many other conscious leaders. Her wisdom and presence have graced international TV and radio shows, while her inspiring story of surviving stage-four cancer has adorned the covers of esteemed publications like Conscious Journal and Living Now Magazine.