Radhule Weininger, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice, founder of the nonprofit Mindful Heart Programs, and a teacher of deep mindfulness and compassion practices and Buddhist psychology. She began her meditation studies in 1980 at Black Rock Monastery in Sri Lanka. For the past 20 years, Radhule is mentored in her teaching by Jack Kornfield and by Joanna Macy. 

Since 2005, Radhule has immersed herself in Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings with Daniel Brown and Alan Wallace. Her newest book, Heart Medicine: How to Stop Painful Patterns and Find Freedom and Peace - at Last, with forewords by the Dalai Lama and Joanna Macy, was released in 2021. She also is author of Heartwork: The Path of Self-Compassion

Radhule is on faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute and, together with her husband Dr. Michael Kearney, teaches about self-care and resilience to caregivers locally and internationally for more than 20 years. Radhule and her husband founded the nonprofit mindfulheartprograms.org, whose mission is to provide daily, free online meditations, retreats and workshops; and the Kind Mind school program, teaching mindfulness and heartfulness in Santa Barbara public schools. 

Radhule writes a monthly blog for Psychology Today, and articles for Tricycle magazine.