Lara Land is a yoga teacher, somatic coach, consultant, and trainer of yoga teachers who specializes in trauma sensitivity. Her work is in helping to heal trauma both subtle and significant and training others using trauma sensitive yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and breathing practices.
Lara is the owner of Land Yoga, executive director of Three and a Half Acres Yoga, and coproducer of SOULFest yoga festival. She is author of My Bliss Book and The Essential Guide to Trauma Sensitive Yoga, and host of The Beyond Trauma podcast. She has been featured in and contributed to New York Magazine, Huffington Post, Yoga Journal, and on Fox5, CBS, NY1, and SiriusXM radio.
She has spent more than 25 years studying yoga and sharing yoga asana, chanting, meditation, and philosophy directly from her teachers in India. Her commitment is to honor the traditions of yoga by responding to the needs of each individual, using a unique combination of practices and techniques that are appropriate for their personal growth. Her numerous certifications include trauma-informed mindfulness, life coaching, somatic experiencing, yoga philosophy, and mindfulness in nature.