Janet Stone began her yoga journey at the age of 17 under Maharaji, her meditation teacher, whose reverence for simplicity and joy live on in her practice and teachings to this day. She shares from the depth of her own sadhana (sustained practice), her studentship in the eight-limbed path, her creative approach to asana, and her reverence for bhakti (devotional, heart-centered yoga, including chanting mantra). 

With more than 30 years in studentship to the practice and 20 years of teaching, Janet offers classes that challenge students to investigate what they think they know, to hold compassion for what they discover within themselves, and to remember presence, the long view and the radical depth of our interconnectedness.

In 1996, Janet traveled to India, the birthplace of her grandfather, and became dedicated to the path of yoga. Based in San Francisco, California, she shares the teachings through retreats, workshops, teacher trainings, an online platform, and three devotional albums filled with heart-centered mantra.