Self-directed explorer of human performance and potential, Bob Soulliere is an Oxygen Advantage Master Instructor and a Level 2 Wim Hof Method Instructor. He has trained directly under Wim Hof, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) clinician and practice leader Dr. Jay Wiles, and global breathing expert Patrick McKeown.
Through his company, Breathe Your Power, he puts people back in touch with their innate powers, their native capacity to modulate their autonomic nervous system, to become resilient, happier, healthier, stronger, and to improve performance, find their voice, stay present, and change and shift their lives with more ease and grace.
He has trained thousands since 2017 using breath, HRV training and biofeedback, mindset, learning about physiology and neurology, aligning with circadian programming, fun, controlled stressors (such as cold), and community to create a space for exploration, growth, performance optimization, and transformation.