
Alan Bonebrake

Alan Bonebrake, D.C., FIACA, DACIT, is a fellow of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture and a master herbologist with Emerson College of Herbology, who has hosted radio shows in Oklahoma and Texas. He has treated more than 40,000 patients from all 50 states and 98 countries, as well as more than 800 professional athletes from 12 professional sport teams, including the US Tennis Association, CFL, NFL, MISL, NHL and more than 3,000 prep, college and university athletes.
Dr. Bonebrake was the first chiropractor to be listed as the official team chiropractor of a professional sport team, and the first chiropractor to be asked to treat athletes for the NFL Run for Daylight and NFL Fastest Man competitions, and also treated several players at a Cowboys/Raiders Training Camp. 
In 1982, Dr. Bonebrake found much simpler, quicker, and effective methods to address scar tissue trigger points. In 1985, he spearheaded the use of a blunt-tipped prod to address skin and periosteal scar trigger points, also having visceral effects. In 1992, he coauthored a research study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics with a major university documenting his approach to carpal tunnel syndrome. In 2005, he noticed a certain light digital force applied to the skin had profound effects on the nervous system, which had profound somatosomatic and somatovisceral effects, including fibromyalgia. 
Dr. Bonebrake graduated with a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from Wichita State University, Palmer College of Chiropractic, and the University of Bridgeport with a master’s in biology.