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Circlesongs: Omega Celebrates 25 Years of Bobby McFerrin & Voicestra

Grounding in the Great In-Between

An Autumn Retreat to Release, Renew & Reconnect

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Some things really do come full-circle, which is something of a recurring theme with 10-time Grammy Award winner Bobby McFerrin. In August of 1988—one month before his mega-hit "Don't Worry, Be Happy" was released—Bobby McFerrin first offered a summer workshop called Dynamic Singing on Omega’s campus in Rhinebeck, New York.

As part of the application process, participants submitted short audition tapes. Of those who were selected to be part of the circle of singers in the workshop, one became a member of Bobby McFerrin’s a cappella touring ensemble, Voicestra, which was fully formed later in 1989.

Since offering his first workshop at Omega, nearly 1,500 participants have raised their voices and enjoyed improvisational workshops with Bobby McFerrin here on campus. This week, Omega celebrates 25 years of dynamic singing with Bobby McFerrin and Voicestra—in the ever-popular workshop, Circlesongs.

Learn more about Bobby McFerrin

Learn more about Voicestra