February 21, 2014

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CEO Request: Immediate Action Needed on Behalf of Omega & the Hudson Valley

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Please help preserve Omega’s Campus and the environmental health, cultural heritage, and beauty of the Hudson Valley.

Every voice counts—especially now!

Dear Friends:

As the CEO of Omega Institute, I am writing to urge you to stand together with us to protect the Hudson Valley and the Omega Rhinebeck campus. You can help by adding your voice to the public comments before Thursday, February 20, by clicking on the link below in the “What You Can Do” section of this email.

First, let me explain. We have joined the Hudson Valley Smart Energy Coalition to avert the new construction of outdated high-voltage power lines that could forever damage the Hudson Valley’s natural assets, communities, and businesses—including Omega’s Rhinebeck campus. Four proposals are in a competitive process, seeking to build power lines with towers that could reach a height of 165 feet. In total, the proposed projects could span 150 miles and pass through 13 counties and 38 towns—including 24 towns in the Hudson Valley.

One of the proposals under consideration would run new lines through the Omega campus, taking down tree lines and impacting the overall natural beauty of our Rhinebeck home.

Community feedback to the Public Service Commission (PSC) is critical at this juncture. The PSC will meet on Thursday, February 20, to decide how and if the proposed Hudson Valley projects will comply with the Governor's recommendation to keep power upgrades within existing power lines footprint.

What You Can Do

I am asking you as a member of the Omega community to add your voice to the public comments Here are three easy ways to help by using our model comments below (electronic submission is fastest):

  • Submit comments electronically—post your comments here, and see others' comments here
  • Email the PSC at
  • Mail comments to the Hon. Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary, New York State Public Service Commission, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350.

Model Comments:

Please send comments below as is—or increase the impact of your comments by putting them in your own words.

  • I agree with Gov. Cuomo's recommendation that transmission upgrade projects should remain entirely within existing rights-of-way in length, height, and width. If power lines must be constructed, this is clearly the best way to minimize landowner and environmental impacts.
  • I urge the PSC to solicit proposals for demand-side management, newer micro-grid technology, and environmentally sound local power generation in the lower Hudson Valley and New York City to replace the need for more traditional power line infrastructure.

Thank you! Your effort means a lot and we appreciate you helping Omega protect and preserve our Rhinebeck campus and the Hudson Valley.

By submitting your comments you're joining concerned citizens who know that a healthy and beautiful Hudson Valley is important for our quality of life and for lasting economic opportunity for us and future generations.

With appreciation,

Robert "Skip" Backus
Chief Executive Officer
Omega Institute