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Majora Carter Builds Community With Startup Box: South Bronx

Omega Women's Leadership Center (OWLC) advisory council member Majora Carter continues her groundbreaking work in sustainable business creation and neighborhood revitalization with a new effort, Startup Box: South Bronx. Based in Carter’s native South Bronx, Startup Box: South Bronx will offer world-class programs in engineering, technology, design, and entrepreneurship to local youth; deliver extensive community outreach services; and porovide support to local early-stage companies with the goal of connecting the promise and excitement of the Tech industry with the extraordinary creativity of the South Bronx.

In an interview with Forbe's Fast Company, Carter explains, ""There is a dramatic shortage of engineering talent in theU.S.labor force, and we want to fill that gap with people who could otherwise end up in the criminal justice and welfare systems. Places like theSouth Bronxhave a lot of talent, but most of it leaves or is never nurtured into something positive. Opportunities make all the difference."

Carter’s partner in the innovative nonprofit is tech educator Lyel Resner, who says, "There are virtually no start-ups north ofCentral Park. We want to change that."

Learn more about Startup Box: South Bronx.

See the complete list of OWLC advisory council members.

Hear Majora Carter speak at the Omega Center for Sustainable Living conference in October.