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How Yoga Changed One Man's Life After Coming to Omega

Yoga for Life

Asana, Meditation & Pranayama Retreat

Immerse yourself in a weekend of yoga with Colleen and Rodney, and learn how your everyday practice can help you listen, pause, and act with wisdom.

Join us October 18 - 20 in Rhinebeck, NY

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Rob Schware, the executive director for Give Back Yoga Foundation recently interviewed lawyer Bob Altman for Huffington Post about why he decided to change his life's work.

In 2008, Bob Altman attended an Off the Mat, Into the World intensive here at Omega Institute. That experience inspired him to wind down his law practice and put him on the path to yoga service by starting Grounded for Good, a yoga service initiative offering yoga and mindfulness classes to homeless youths in Atlanta.

Read the full interview with Rob Schware and Bob Altman on Huffington Post.

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