Taking a break—even only for a half hour—can offer you the refresh you need to find greater health and happiness. Studies show the benefits of rest include everything from reduced anxiety to boosted creativity. Here are some ideas you can use to start making rest a priority.

The Benefits of Rest
You Are Worthy of Rest
We are all worthy of rest, and we need to reclaim it, says Tracee Stanley, yoga nidra teacher and author of Radiant Rest.

Rest Rx
Perhaps you can access bursts of inspiration, feel less hungry, and discover new things about yourself, when you give your body and brain the rest it craves.

4 Surprising Benefits of Rest
Don't Wait for Vacation
Today busy is the new normal, but allowing time for rest can help you renew on many levels.

6 Easy Ways to Rest Today
Sleep Solutions
Getting a good night's sleep isn't always easy. Whether you are stressed, spending too much time on screens, or have a health issue impacting your sleep, meditation can help.

You Are Enough
Self-worth is something that we’ve been taught to hustle, prove, and purchase our way closer to. This practice offers an alternative.