Aries (March 21-April 19)
Mars, your planetary guardian, has spent the last few weeks moving backward, and you may have felt as though your usual energy was running low. Starting February 23, though, your energy begins a powerful resurgence, and you’ll be well on your way to shining brighter than ever. Don’t be surprised if it takes a bit of momentum before you feel fully back to your charismatic self. You’ll feel more clarity and confidence with each day.
Venus moves into your sign on February 4, elevating your enjoyment of life. Beautiful surroundings, playful flirtation, and heartwarming connections become major themes, especially around February 12, when the Leo full moon sets a romantic tone for Valentine’s Day festivities. Whether you’re single or partnered, you could find unexpected expressions of love.
On February 1, a rare dance between Venus, the North Node, and Neptune amplifies your sense of compassion, urging you to balance your personal desires with your wider responsibilities. This is your cue to prioritize the people who matter most. Not only will relationships sustain you this month, but they’ll also fuel your success. With the sun in community-minded Aquarius for the first half of February, it’s an ideal time to get involved in group activities and team projects.
Then, as the sun enters dreamy Pisces on February 18, your focus shifts to deep feelings. This healing influence urges you to make peace with the past. Trust that making space in your heart for forgiveness invites a whole new chapter in your story. By March, you’ll see how compassion paves the way for a more fulfilling life.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
On February 4, your ruling planet, Venus, enters Aries, the sign of fearless self-discovery. Let this transit be a permission slip to put yourself first. If you’ve been juggling too many untenable situations, it’s time to get real about what’s not working and release what you’ve outgrown. What would life look like if you chose you? Live your life authentically, trusting that in honoring your own preferences and desires, you positively bless others in your life.
The sun’s journey through visionary Aquarius (until February 18) invites you to stretch and grow, though it may temporarily disrupt your equilibrium around the Leo full moon on February 12. This lunation prompts a balancing act between freedom and responsibility. As you reassess your obligations, ask yourself: What can I delegate or let go of to free up more time and energy? Invest that reclaimed space into nurturing yourself through creative outlets, time in nature, or simply resting.
On February 18, the sun enters Pisces, awakening your curiosity and opening doors to fortunate encounters. Engage in meaningful conversations, team up with others, and envision new possibilities for yourself. Don’t be shy about dreaming big! Your intentions could be clues pointing you toward manifestations.
Mercury’s entrance into Pisces on February 14 means poetry on Valentine’s Day. Keep in mind that Mars remains retrograde until February 23, which could slow your pace in matters of the heart. Love will reestablish its rhythm in time. By the Pisces new moon on February 27, you’ll be invited to heal old heartaches, letting go of painful memories and entering a stunning new chapter.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
If you sit still and close your eyes, you can feel a groundswell shaking the foundation beneath your feet. While the biggest shifts might be further down the road, the Aquarius sun this month encourages you to explore fresh possibilities right now. Think of February as an exercise in imagination. When you envision your life three months from now, dare to dream bigger. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion, stationing direct in your sign on February 4, you have cosmic permission to indulge in bold visions for your future.
Until February 14, Mercury in Aquarius makes your mind crave novelty; let that intellectual hunger lead you to new learning opportunities, and keep your imagination open. When Mercury slips into Pisces on February 14, your communication style takes on a more poetic flair, which helps in creative writing, journaling, or speaking your truth with kindness.
On February 12, the Leo full moon lights up your social and professional networks. It facilitates marketing, networking, or launching a new business plan. Your words carry extra weight under this lunar influence, so choose them wisely. If you’re preparing for an important pitch or interview, stay focused on your key points, and let your authenticity shine.
Then, on February 18, the sun glides into Pisces, shifting your attention toward career aspirations and public recognition. With Jupiter’s optimistic light shining on you, set your sights high and trust that the universe has your back. The February 27 new moon could bring career news, especially if you’re willing to ask for what you really want. After Mars goes direct on February 23, any stalled momentum from earlier in the year begins to pick up steam. Embrace the forward motion!