Zodiac & Horoscopes at Omega Institute – Astrology, Spiritual Growth & Cosmic Guidance

January 28, 2025

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February 2025 Horoscopes

Love is in the stars this month as the Leo full moon February 12 sets a romantic tone for Valentine’s Day, when Mercury slips into Pisces. Mars remains retrograde until February 23 and the Pisces new moon arrives February 27.

By Rachel Lang

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Mars, your planetary guardian, has spent the last few weeks moving backward, and you may have felt as though your usual energy was running low. Starting February 23, though, your energy begins a powerful resurgence, and you’ll be well on your way to shining brighter than ever. Don’t be surprised if it takes a bit of momentum before you feel fully back to your charismatic self. You’ll feel more clarity and confidence with each day.

Venus moves into your sign on February 4, elevating your enjoyment of life. Beautiful surroundings, playful flirtation, and heartwarming connections become major themes, especially around February 12, when the Leo full moon sets a romantic tone for Valentine’s Day festivities. Whether you’re single or partnered, you could find unexpected expressions of love.

On February 1, a rare dance between Venus, the North Node, and Neptune amplifies your sense of compassion, urging you to balance your personal desires with your wider responsibilities. This is your cue to prioritize the people who matter most. Not only will relationships sustain you this month, but they’ll also fuel your success. With the sun in community-minded Aquarius for the first half of February, it’s an ideal time to get involved in group activities and team projects.

Then, as the sun enters dreamy Pisces on February 18, your focus shifts to deep feelings. This healing influence urges you to make peace with the past. Trust that making space in your heart for forgiveness invites a whole new chapter in your story. By March, you’ll see how compassion paves the way for a more fulfilling life.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

On February 4, your ruling planet, Venus, enters Aries, the sign of fearless self-discovery. Let this transit be a permission slip to put yourself first. If you’ve been juggling too many untenable situations, it’s time to get real about what’s not working and release what you’ve outgrown. What would life look like if you chose you? Live your life authentically, trusting that in honoring your own preferences and desires, you positively bless others in your life.

The sun’s journey through visionary Aquarius (until February 18) invites you to stretch and grow, though it may temporarily disrupt your equilibrium around the Leo full moon on February 12. This lunation prompts a balancing act between freedom and responsibility. As you reassess your obligations, ask yourself: What can I delegate or let go of to free up more time and energy? Invest that reclaimed space into nurturing yourself through creative outlets, time in nature, or simply resting.

On February 18, the sun enters Pisces, awakening your curiosity and opening doors to fortunate encounters. Engage in meaningful conversations, team up with others, and envision new possibilities for yourself. Don’t be shy about dreaming big! Your intentions could be clues pointing you toward manifestations.

Mercury’s entrance into Pisces on February 14 means poetry on Valentine’s Day. Keep in mind that Mars remains retrograde until February 23, which could slow your pace in matters of the heart. Love will reestablish its rhythm in time. By the Pisces new moon on February 27, you’ll be invited to heal old heartaches, letting go of painful memories and entering a stunning new chapter.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

If you sit still and close your eyes, you can feel a groundswell shaking the foundation beneath your feet. While the biggest shifts might be further down the road, the Aquarius sun this month encourages you to explore fresh possibilities right now. Think of February as an exercise in imagination. When you envision your life three months from now, dare to dream bigger. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion, stationing direct in your sign on February 4, you have cosmic permission to indulge in bold visions for your future.

Until February 14, Mercury in Aquarius makes your mind crave novelty; let that intellectual hunger lead you to new learning opportunities, and keep your imagination open. When Mercury slips into Pisces on February 14, your communication style takes on a more poetic flair, which helps in creative writing, journaling, or speaking your truth with kindness.

On February 12, the Leo full moon lights up your social and professional networks. It facilitates marketing, networking, or launching a new business plan. Your words carry extra weight under this lunar influence, so choose them wisely. If you’re preparing for an important pitch or interview, stay focused on your key points, and let your authenticity shine.

Then, on February 18, the sun glides into Pisces, shifting your attention toward career aspirations and public recognition. With Jupiter’s optimistic light shining on you, set your sights high and trust that the universe has your back. The February 27 new moon could bring career news, especially if you’re willing to ask for what you really want. After Mars goes direct on February 23, any stalled momentum from earlier in the year begins to pick up steam. Embrace the forward motion!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Five years from now, will you look back on this moment and marvel, or will you shudder, wishing things had been different? In challenging times, a shift in perspective can help you find freedom from suffering. This month, pause to appreciate where you are, knowing you can simultaneously celebrate the present and hold the desire for a different future.

Mars, the planet of personal drive and ambition, is going retrograde through your sign until February 23, potentially stirring up restlessness and frustration. You may sense a calling but feel unsure how to pursue it. Meanwhile, Venus, Neptune, and the North Node conjoin early in the month, raising questions about life’s purpose. If you feel stuck, consider that this pent-up energy could nudge you toward new methods or directions you have yet to discover.

Around Valentine’s Day, finances move into the spotlight. This month emphasizes a shared approach to wealth-building—especially in partnerships. Money can be a powerful influence on relationship dynamics. If financial incompatibility has been a stumbling block, the Leo full moon on February 12 shines a practical and illuminating light on solutions. You’ll see new ways to collaborate and strengthen your bond.

On February 18, the sun enters mystical Pisces, marking the beginning of a manifestation phase for you. Long-held intentions from the past two years are starting to find form. There’s a humbling sweetness in letting things unfold in ways that feel almost magical. Be open to receiving help from higher sources. Let yourself be surprised by these synchronicities, and don’t be afraid to believe in miracles along the way. As Mercury meets Saturn on February 25 and the Pisces new moon arrives on February 27, you’re laying a sturdy foundation for what you’ve been dreaming about. Trust in the mystery.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

February starts with a focus on the heart. Your sign is associated with the heart—the physical muscle that beats to keep you alive, but this month invites you to prioritize your heart chakra that bridges the spiritual and physical dimensions of love. Since December 6, Mars has been going retrograde, leading you to navigate the nuances of relationships. You have been in a process of reimagining your commitments and redefining your identity. Around the Leo full moon on February 12, let your imagination run wild and dream big. You are in the process of creating your future.

Partnerships and romance take center stage all month. On February 1, Venus meets Neptune and the North Node. The first week of the month could find you reveling in magic, especially if you’re single. Then, when Venus moves into Aries on February 4, expect a boost of confidence that may attract new love or rekindle an existing bond.

Mars finally goes direct on February 23, propelling you forward after a period of standstill since December 6. You may feel compelled to make up for lost time—just be mindful not to burn yourself out in the process! Remain conscious of how you’re focusing your energy and set boundaries around time and personal space.

On February 18, the sun shifts into poetic Pisces, stirring your way with words and inviting you to express them. If there’s a creative project you’ve been procrastinating, the Pisces new moon on February 27 is your cue to dive in. Having worked through some resistance and fear, you’re now poised to radiate your most authentic brilliance. Let that courageous Leo heart shine!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

This month brings a resurgence of energy, one that feels free of stress. You’re ready to step up and take charge of a situation that may have slipped out of your control or perhaps seize a new opportunity. Mars stations direct on February 23, springing things into action at just the right time of year. Define your priorities before jumping into new endeavors, and focus! Your enthusiasm and drive can lead you exactly where you want to go. Stay on course.

The sun in Aquarius highlights health, making it a month to prioritize your well-being. Make small adjustments to your daily routine for maximum impact, and realize you can draw support if needed.

Venus moves into individuated Aries on February 4, shining a favorable light on financial matters and easing any recent tension. Jupiter stations direct that same day, helping you revisit opportunities you thought had passed by.

Throughout February, Neptune and the North Node dance, culminating in a significant conjunction on February 7. The North Node is a point of purpose, and Neptune’s light helps inspire a sacred sense of mission. Use this energy to meditate and receive guiding information. Then, share your ideas, network for support, and gather momentum for your most important causes. You’ll have a magnetic draw that attracts allies and admirers, but remember to keep healthy boundaries so you don’t find yourself carrying more than your fair share.

After February 18, the sun moves into Pisces, highlighting compassion, empathy, and self-acceptance. Give yourself the gift of reframing past regrets. Consider your life story as an epic tale, with you as the heroic main character who emerges stronger from every twist and turn. You might just discover the spark of a best-selling idea.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your guiding planet, Venus, takes center stage early this month. On February 1, Venus meets Neptune and the North Node, hinting at a life purpose steeped in beauty, harmony, and relationship. This romantic energy carries through to Valentine’s Day. The Leo full moon on February 12 grounds the experience of love in passion. Leo guides the heart, while Aquarius (where the sun shines) relates to our circulation. Together, they invite you to let your heartfelt desires radiate through your aura, magnetizing all kinds of possibilities.

As the sun moves through Aquarius, you may feel a renewed passion for pursuits that once felt stale. This is your call to expand your gifts and share them more widely. Whether through writing, performing, or simply expressing yourself creatively, embrace the spark of excitement to reinvigorate your life. Tend a garden, make art, or spend time with children to reignite your sense of wonder.

Since December 6, Mars has been going retrograde, nudging you to clarify your boundaries around time and energy. It’s important to notice when a fear of disappointing others leads to self-sacrifice. In each moment, you have the power to pause and course-correct.

On February 18, the sun drifts into dreamy Pisces, ushering in a phase of mystical exploration. Consider alternative healing modalities if you’re grappling with physical issues, recognizing that every challenge can have emotional or spiritual roots. As you address your well-being holistically, you pave the way for breakthroughs, especially around the Pisces new moon on February 27. Let the new moon reveal hidden aspects of your healing journey, reminding you that true balance begins with your mindset.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Stay focused on your top goals this month, Scorpio. You’re in the process of laying the groundwork for the kind of professional success you want to manifest over the next 10 years. Dream big, but be willing to follow a practical, step-by-step approach. Saturn in Pisces signals a time of concentrated effort that can lead to a favorable outcome and well-deserved rewards.

Progress may have seemed slow as Mars went retrograde (since December 6). After February 23, the warrior planet goes direct, reinvigorating you to triumph against all odds. Mars is your planetary guide, meaning it shows you how to use anger as fuel and how to maintain your sense of self no matter the circumstances you face. Let it guide you to a new goal.

The Leo full moon on February 12 shines a guiding light on how to balance work and home life. You may feel pulled in different directions, increasingly aware of others’ needs. In the midst of it all, prioritize self-care and carve out times for quiet reflection.

Neptune meets the North Node on February 7, indicating a spiritual catharsis happening behind the scenes. If you notice yourself feeling tired or overwhelmed, honor that by resting. True spiritual change requires more energy than we often realize, and this process continues until April.

On February 18, the sun moves into Pisces, offering a sense of relief and renewed optimism. You’re stepping into a magical season, brimming with possibilities you may not have anticipated. Romance also thrives during this cycle. If communication issues have surfaced in your relationships, the Pisces new moon on February 27 helps clear the air. You don’t have to fight to be heard. Trust in open-hearted dialogue, and allow understanding to unfold.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

As a fire sign, you were born to take action—to have a dream and move forward without fear. For the last several weeks, Mars retrograde has slowed things down, leaving you to question decisions you made last year. Well, congratulations! You've mastered your test of faith, and I have good news. After February 23, the warrior planet will be going direct, making this a time for action.

As the sun makes its way through Aquarius, let yourself be inspired. Allow yourself to fall into opportunities, and be open to sharing your ideas with others, perhaps even on stage. This month's astrology encourages writing, learning, or teaching. Your active mind wants to be challenged; learn something new and engage it in ways that push you hard enough to stretch those mental muscles.

Travel is another thing on your mind this month, especially at the time of the Leo full moon on February 12. When we travel, we open ourselves to the unknown; the novelty of experiencing new cultures and landscapes pushes us beyond the comforts of our everyday lives. When we're in unfamiliar territory, our egos relax their grip, and we open to magic. Travel, then, isn't just about seeing new places and experiencing new things. It's also about the freedom we experience when our egos relax to allow in the supernatural.

On February 18, the sun moves into Pisces, setting a mystical tone for the end of the month. It will be a Pisces season unlike any other and lead to divine inspiration. Be open and receive messages from unexpected sources. The Pisces new moon on February 27 highlights your home and family, making it a time to celebrate a new chapter in your relationship with your loved ones.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Finances take center stage for you this month, especially until February 18. Underlying these themes are the roots of self-worth. This month calls you to examine the many facets of your relationship with money, and you may do a deeper dive into the interplay between love and finances. You could discover how power dynamics in your partnerships tie into your concept of success. Remember, your inherent worth transcends any external measures, so challenge notions of worth that rely solely on that type of validation.

The Leo full moon on February 12 illuminates new pathways to take and trails to blaze, paving the way for a breakthrough. Once you relax your grip on limiting ideas, fulfilment can gracefully low into your life.

Venus meets Neptune and the North Node on February 1, highlighting relationship matters of all kinds. Imagine ways to harmonize the polarities within yourself and mediate any inner conflict. Can you be committed to another and maintain autonomy? Love can be freeing. You’ve learned to dance with your shadow and enjoy being in the light. By integrating the two you become a more powerful creator in the world. Reflect on which parts of yourself are ready to be reclaimed.

On February 23, Mars finally stations direct in your opposite sign, signaling forward motion in your love life and potentially smoothing over tension with others. If unresolved frustrations have lingered in close partnerships, this shift helps clear the air.

After February 18, the sun shines in Pisces, inspiring you to share your ideas, especially around the new moon on February 27. It’s an excellent time to establish new foundations in your local community, whether through networking, collaboration, or any forum where you can showcase your natural leadership.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

It’s your birthday season, Aquarius, and the month of love is in full swing! With Valentine’s Day just two days after the heart-centered Leo full moon on February 12, you might find yourself reflecting on love’s true power in your life. Can you stretch your capacity to give and receive love? The act of loving often transforms the lover as much—if not more—than the one who’s loved. It’s an elevated state of being, and for you, it’s one of the ways you contribute to healing and uplifting the world. Considering your sign rules the circulatory system, you were born to radiate energy throughout your community and into the world.

Mercury moves through your sign until February 14, sparking fresh ideas and innovative thinking. The astrology of the beginning of the month shows you stifling limiting beliefs or quieting critical inner dialogue. The Leo full moon on February 12 encourages consciousness-raising activities and spiritual practices that can inspire courage. Your voice longs to be heard, and your heart craves expression.

When the sun enters Pisces on February 18, you could see signs of a new financial opportunity. Embrace your inherent brilliance. Have confidence in your gifts. Use Jupiter in Gemini to help you open new chapters in your career. Any career shifts could spark personal growth, too.

Relationships get a reboot around February 23, as Mars stations direct after a sluggish retrograde. Any anger or misunderstandings begin to dissipate, making way for harmony. By the new moon on February 27, you’re ready for a fresh start in love and partnership. Let your faith in the goodness of others guide you into deeper, more fulfilling connections.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Neptune is the planet of dreams, imagination, and wonderment. It’s finishing its time in your sign, opening you to a season of magic. On February 1, Venus, the planet of beauty, art, and connections, meets Neptune and the North Node. Are you ready to bring new meaning to the idea of life purpose? A sacred calling arises from deep within your heart.

On February 18, the sun enters your sign and kicks off a Pisces season unlike any other. It is a magical time for magical people like you—a time to be drawn into a wondrous relationship with all life. Relax and be in the flow of life, letting yourself receive guidance and following synchronicity. You're being led down a path of miracles, even if you can't see the unfoldment of it all right now. Be patient. Mars goes direct on February 23, finally letting you make sense of relationship confusion. You'll start to catch your stride with matters of the heart around the time of the Leo full moon on February 12.

On Valentine's Day, Mercury enters Pisces, inspiring poetry and imagination. Your challenge? Wanting to do too much at one time. Focus on the one thing that will bring you the deepest sense of satisfaction. Prioritize your life by identifying the people, places, and things that energize you versus deplete you. As Mercury engages with Saturn on February 25, you can establish boundaries to protect your energy from those depleting influences.

The Pisces new moon on February 27 highlights new paradigms of consciousness. You are crossing a threshold, opening a door to a new chapter of life. Listen to your inner voice for the wisdom you most need to bring meaning to your life at this time.