Aries (March 21-April 19)
This month will require you to be brave, but that’s exactly where you excel. You start the month feeling passionate, driven, and ready to go. The North Node is shining in your sign, and with the Aries solar eclipse on April 8, you’re unstoppable. It’s your time to shine, but first, you must clear resistance from your electromagnetic field.
Eclipses catalyze change. This particular one offers a unique opportunity to alter your life's trajectory. Should you venture onto a new path, embrace the change with courage and heart.
Mercury stations retrograde in your sign on April 1. Back up your computer, make any technological repairs, and read every email twice before sending it. Accept new purchases as upgrades; consider them indicators of your spiritual up-leveling process.
Mars meets Saturn on April 10, restricting your movement and intensifying reactions to stress. At the same time, it marks a decision point to forge ahead with solidifying commitments or signing contracts. If you surrender to the unfolding changes in your life, you can avoid any potential conflicts. Remember, you’re only limited by your fears.
Professional opportunities abound as the sun shines in your sign until April 19. Don’t let anxiety keep you from reaching out and grabbing them. On April 20, the influence of the celebrated Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus helps to boost your finances with a surge of momentum for creating new income streams.
The focus moves from business to pleasure with the Scorpio full moon on April 23. You may feel filled with passion and love as Venus enters sensual Taurus on April 29 and passionate Mars enters your sign on the 30th.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
April 19 begins your new year as the sun enters your sign. It’s a time for a breakthrough and a new beginning. First, you’ll need to do a little letting go with the Aries solar eclipse on April 8 to ensure you have enough space to welcome the universe’s gifts. This eclipse catalyzes movement in all areas of your life. The time to stand still has passed, and you’re ready to let go of people, places, and things that have outworn their usefulness.
Mercury stations retrograde on April Fool’s Day. Take this time as a golden opportunity to meditate, journal, or create. Divine inspiration could change your life. Retrograde cycles allow us to reflect on life experiences, reminding us of dreams we’ve abandoned or paths untaken. In the process, you could reconnect with people who played a role in shaping early life decisions.
On April 10, Saturn and Mars meet in Pisces, bringing an energy of commitment to friendships or professional connections. Saturn rewards us for facing challenges head-on, so embrace obstacles as opportunities for growth.
Expansive Jupiter and electrifying Uranus meet in your sign on April 20—the day after the sun enters Taurus. What a time to be alive! This transit indicates excellence, creativity, and invention. Spend time brainstorming, drawing, or writing your heart’s intentions. Revel in possibilities and dream big; angels are listening.
The Scorpio full moon on April 23 highlights the tensions in relationships that usually hide in the shadows. It’s no time to hold back from voicing concerns. Love will feel sweet and sentimental after Venus enters Taurus on April 29. If you are single, you might feel a renewed sense of peace about the trajectory of your love life.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
How do you define success, Gemini? Activities that feel laborious are never your road to fulfillment. Do you indulge in pursuits in which the only purpose is your enjoyment? If not, consider this your assignment this month. The Aries solar eclipse on April 8 compels you to envision a new reality in which your success hinges upon your joy.
When Mars meets Saturn in Pisces on April 10, people may ask what you stand for. Your reputation, socially and professionally, might be scrutinized. Act with integrity, and you will be rewarded for being true to yourself.
It’s a social month with Venus in Aries from April 4-29, and unexpected events allow you to connect with people from your past. We can thank Mercury retrograde (from April 1-25) for the social-life retrospective. Friends could fly into town for a visit or schedule extended one-on-one time. Accept invitations; they could lead to treasured memories.
You read that right; Mercury is retrograde most of the month. Reflect on the year’s activities and adjust your plans as needed. Rethink the objectives set at the start of the year.
On April 20, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction shows you glimpses of the future you are co-creating with the universe. Dream, journal, and envision a life beyond the limits of your practical mindset. Now is the time to access your visionary faculties. What changes would you like to manifest?
April’s astrology highlights the me rather than the we, thanks to the North Node in Aries. Those of you in relationships may crave more individuation. Filling your own cup could strengthen your relationships, especially once the sun enters Taurus on April 19. Trust in love’s ability to grow; celebrate new beginnings.