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2024 Horoscopes: Your Year Ahead

Get an overview of what's ahead for you in 2024 in your annual horoscopes from astrologer Rachel Lang.

By Rachel Lang

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

2024 invites you to dare to break free from your comfort zone. The North Node, a destiny point, moves through your sign, tempting you to follow your heart's urges. It's a time for passion and purpose. Give your yes to life, love, and happiness. In making that commitment, you set a fantastic chain of events. We start the year with Mars moving through steadfast Capricorn, helping you solidify New Year's goals and intentions. Let the momentum build in the first quarter of the year. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck, meets Uranus, the planet of surprises, in Taurus on April 20. This transit signifies a financial shift toward greater prosperity. If you've been stressed about money, a sudden turn of events could redirect your focus, allowing you to see economic opportunities more clearly. What is your deep-seated desire for your material life? Mars meets the North Node in May and motivates your will to succeed. 

In early July, Neptune stations retrograde, a transit you could feel as a cloudy haze diffusing any light coming through. You can't see clearly, and you must trust your intuition. In January and July, seemingly preordained events could inspire faith in the supernatural. Explore the meaning in all extraordinary encounters or synchronicities. Saturn's influence can help you remain dedicated to spiritual practices, but you must stay dedicated and disciplined. 

Professionally, see delays as opportunities to correct the course and stay focused on your goals. You may have grown as an expert in your field. If so, you are ready to teach others or author a book. Jupiter shines in your communication sector on May 25, infusing your words with enthusiasm for a year. Take a moment late in the year to pause and celebrate your accomplishments before making a career transition.  

The eclipses on March 25, April 8, and October 2 highlight significant life changes. The North Node moves through your sign, asking you to live purposefully, which means you may redefine yourself according to a more authentic identity. Do not dwell on past relationships after the October 2 Solar Eclipse; stay grounded in the present. Rather than chase a love interest, relax and allow things to unfold naturally.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This year helps you unfurl your wings and soar. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moves through your sign until May 25, awakening your adventurous spirit and showing you revised future visions. Jupiter urges you to dream big; your intentions have the potential to manifest into reality. Since May last year, you had glimpses of your power to shape your destiny, but this year proves it so. On April 20, as Jupiter aligns with Uranus, the planet of surprises, in Taurus, a lightning-bolt surge of creativity and purpose inspires you like never before. You could discover hidden talents. A revelation sparks just before your birthday when your visionary insights are at their highest.

How will you make the most of this time?

The journey has already begun. This time, the universe asks you to relax and enjoy the ride, even as it twists and turns. Though your fixed-sign nature resists upheaval, embrace the thrill this year by opening your heart to feel the wonderment of it all.

On January 20, Pluto, the agent of transformation, enters Aquarius, initiating 20 years of career innovation. Feel Pluto's empowering presence as it motivates you to reach significant milestones. Its influence sparks an intellectual revolution that propels you onto a new stage. It's time to reconceive that wild idea you thought impractical or unattainable. Prove the naysayers wrong! 

April's astrology shows a shift in your romantic life, culminating with September's potent Lunar Eclipse on the eighteenth. This celestial event helps you understand what it means to be seen and known. It starts by outlining self-care practices that nourish and sustain your energy. In October, notice your body's signals and warnings against burnout. Find ways to create a distance from the whirl of activity. Hint: turn off the news and step outside.

In December, Mars retrogrades, prompting reflection on the distinct tugs from your desires for autonomy and interdependence. The year's close offers a time to declutter your commitments and celebrate. You end the year with big life choices that may seem daunting, but let yourself pause and sit still. 2024 shines a light on your curiosity. The past years have trained you for the opportunities opening now. It's time to use your imagination to help create the future.
Gemini (May 20 - June 20)

As the New Year dawns, it awakens the creativity contained within you. Life now challenges you to envision a more expansive view of the future, even as you downsize or reduce your carbon footprint. Expansion begins in the heart, opening the courage to love unconditionally.

On January 20, Pluto moves into Aquarius, initiating a 20-year cycle of transformation. This transit could lead you into publishing, writing, or teaching — your ideas long for expression, and the world needs your voice. Pluto promises purpose and fulfillment.

The past two years have been a crucible, preparing you for mastery. You've wanted nothing less than excellence and are on your way to fulfilling that end. Saturn's serious light shines on you, making complacency unbearable. You may find yourself at a crossroads. You face pivotal decisions, especially concerning family and real estate, and the outcomes may play a significant role in structuring your year.

Exercise caution in negotiations, especially during Mercury retrograde periods (April 1 – 25, August 4 – 28, and November 25 – December 15). Lean on the advice of trusted advisors to avoid financial pitfalls.

The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 calls for reevaluating your truth after considering the latest information. Jupiter enters your sign on May 25, shining a benevolent light over you for a year. It inspires your optimism about the path you're on. Now is not the time to shrink back; let your light shine and be seen. It's also a favorable time to set health goals; your wellness desires are attainable.

Neptune's dance through the final degrees of Pisces this year may bring a mist of uncertainty this summer. That said, it shows you the positive aspects of every trying circumstance. Allow extra time for tasks and decisions. While enhancing your intuitive capabilities, Neptune's mystical influence may cloud practical judgment, particularly when it goes retrograde (July 2 – December 7).

Throughout the year, the North Node in Aries makes your relationships feel destined, and you stand on the fine line between the desire for independence and the call to commit. This tension could magnify every fear, hope, and yearning within your heart, but it can also lead you to trust love.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

If this year had a theme song for you, it would be something like "I Can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash. Since 2008, Pluto's influence has been a cloud hovering over your sign, yet you've been the light. You've been tried, tested, and, in many ways, reborn. Now, you're ready for those clouds to part and for the Sun to shine. Pluto leaves your opposite sign, Capricorn, and enters Aquarius on November 19. It's an invitation to move from grief to praise. It urges you to deeply engage in your relationships, work, and life with passion and purpose. 

It also suggests financial shifts that provide long-term security and improve your net worth. Throughout the year, you'll carefully weigh financial decisions as you realize the sacrifices you must make to realize your goals. Balancing risk with opportunity, you may make a career move between the Lunar Eclipse on March 25 and the Solar one on April 8. The North Node destiny point moves through the pioneering sign of Aries all year, making it a time to consider moving into a leadership position or branching out on your own. The North Node's influence makes you brave in the face of stagnation. 

Jupiter meets Uranus on April 20 in Taurus. Your social life receives the blessings of this transit. Imagine the ways your inner circle could expand. With whom would you like to spend more time? This transit could introduce you to new mentors and benefactors. Dream now and celebrate later. 

On May 25, Jupiter starts its year-long journey through Gemini. Develop your intuition through disciplined spiritual practices. You may need more quiet time than usual; consider going on a wellness or spiritual retreat around your birthday. 

The Lunar Eclipse on September 17 raises your hands to the heavens in prayerful passion. Gratitude is a feeling and a practice. How can you express the love you feel? Use poetry and song to say what your heart longs to express. It's a year for spirit-led conversations and a return to hope. No matter what shake-ups occur, you can trust yourself to make wise decisions. Stay centered in that knowing.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

2024 can be best understood through the symbolism of the oak tree. The oak's roots spread wide, not as deep, reminding us that growth isn't always a deep dive into one singular passion. Your growth this year will mirror this, expanding broadly across varied interests. If you think there's no time for what I really want to do, think of the oak tree. As the oak stands with an entire root system, you can explore what nourishes you. The North Node moves through Aries this year, guiding you to understand the relationship between purpose and passion. You may respond to a new call with the Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25. This eclipse wakes you up to shake off anything unfulfilling or limiting. If you don't feel you're flourishing, the April 8 Solar Eclipse motivates necessary change. 

It's a year to let go of obligations you've held onto out of loyalty to others rather than your genuine desire. Saturn in Pisces graces you with discernment and asks you to exercise caution with finances. It's a great time to consider long-term goals. Saturn is a get-serious planet, and its influence can suggest issues with taxes or insurance, especially as it meets Mars on April 10. 

Business booms with new excitement on April 20 when Jupiter meets Uranus and ignites career prospects. What are your dreams? State them as intentions and say the words with enthusiasm. Uranus is a lightning bolt of energy motivating progressive change. Use your powers of imagination to expand your vision of what's possible. At the same time, be open to the universe's surprises. 

On October 2, the Libra Solar Eclipse highlights a shift in family dynamics, possibly motivated by a conversation about the past or real estate decisions. Eclipses shake up stagnant energy and help us act when we've been resistant to making moves. The September 17 Lunar Eclipse paves a path for these changes and centers on finances. 

Love feels intense as Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20 and starts a 20-year cycle in that sign. You're learning to love with abandon, opening your heart in ways you've been afraid to. Your belonging is your birthright. Draw closer to others who help you feel it to the core.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Conflict drives the action and carries the plot forward in storytelling or moviemaking. Remember that message during this relationship-oriented year. Saturn moves through Pisces, lighting up your chart in a way that emphasizes committing to others. Consider this good news if you've been single and open to welcoming a new relationship! At the same time, the North Node, our collective destiny point, moves through the boundary-setting sign of Aries, meaning we're more aware of our individualized needs and more fired up to advocate for them. On April 10, this tension peaks as Mars meets Saturn. Throughout April, you see through foggy illusions and face intimacy fears. By the end of the year, you could have that storybook ending if you stay rooted in your desires and open to growth. 

On April 20, Jupiter, the planet of luck, meets Uranus, the planet of surprises, in one of the most exciting transits of the year! Life feels like an adventure throughout March and April. Set intentions and dream big; possibilities abound. This transit opens opportunities abroad, making travel or international business expansion favorable. Alternatively, consider engaging in an academic or certification course. In other words, it's a year to expand your mindset beyond limiting beliefs. 

Pluto, the planetary agent of transformation, enters Aquarius on January 20, and you'll feel its influence in organizing your life's details. As it starts a new 20-year cycle in the water-bearer sign, Pluto asks you to say goodbye to unhealthy habits or unwanted obligations. You're discovering what integrating body, mind, and spirit means. 

Your ruling planet, Mercury, steals the show three times this year as it gives the illusion of moving backward (April 1 – April 25, August 4 – 28, and November 25 – December 15). In August, Mercury is retrograde in your sign, making it a time of deep introspection. If you've been incubating a creative idea or contemplating a writing project, Mercury's light could help with completion.

Mars stars in the astrology at the end of the year. Mars will go retrograde from December 6, 2024, to February 23, 2025. As the warrior planet slows down, it invites you to drop your defenses and let others accept, support, and love you. Through healing, you've come full circle in meaningful ways. Life's conflicts make way for peace.

Libra (September 22 - October 22)

A born leader, you share your sign with activists, artists, and visionaries like Eleanor Roosevelt, John Lennon, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The scales, your sign's symbol, represent your dedication to fairness and justice. The cardinal quality of your sign suggests you dare to act and initiate change. Venus, the planet of interdependence and beauty, rules your sign. Naturally, you have a flair for art, culture, and social affairs. With no disrespect for other signs, we may need more Libras in positions of power. 

You have profound things to say and a perspective relevant to these times, and on January 20, Pluto, the planetary agent of transformation, enters Aquarius, emboldening your speech. So, step up to the microphone, and don't shy away from the camera. Keep a pen close, as you could be in a continual writing flow. Journaling can be helpful, as this process allows you to tune others out and access wisdom from your higher mind. You'll experience this power all year as Pluto starts its 20-year cycle in the sign of the rebel and revolution. 

The South Node moves through your sign, deepening your awareness about your more unsupportive personality traits. How can you please yourself before you rush into pleasing others? Boundaries is a keyword for 2024, and pay careful attention to how you ignore your needs or downplay your wants. Peace isn't merely the absence of conflict; it's finding a balance point between differences. We can focus on our breath and find that centered space within ourselves. Keep this in mind on March 25, April 8, September 17, and October 2, when the eclipses activate the nodal axis line. 

Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20, and they suggest a critical financial turning point that shapes your vision for the future. Jupiter expands while Uranus surprises. Anything could happen, including an inheritance, investment opportunity, or shift in your partner's income. Throughout April, you learn about trust in what often feels like an unsafe world. 

On May 25, Jupiter enters Gemini, where it stays for a year. The beneficial planet reminds you that worry is a misuse of your imagination. Your thoughts have more power to create and shape your world. Engage in creative visualization and be open to wonder. Through the frenzy of autumn's astrology, miracles abound. Pay attention with gratitude.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) 

As a Scorpio, you are prone to feel the extremes of happiness, grief, and everything in between, and the more you love, the broader your spectrum of emotions. After the struggle of the past several years, let joy be your guide. Let it be the force that heals your most intimate relationships, and make the enjoyment of life a spiritual practice. Uranus, the planet of surprises, moves through Taurus, your opposite sign, showing what circumstances prevent you from feeling free. Though you may wish to change everything, resist impulsive moves. In the past, have you abandoned yourself for others? On April 20, Jupiter meets Uranus, showing you a graceful path back home to yourself. 

Jupiter shines a light on your relationships this year. As it enters Gemini on May 25, you learn to relax your need to control every aspect of life, opening to accept help from others. Marriage is also a highlight for you, which could mean ceremonially recommitting to your spouse. Love asks you to negotiate in times of conflict as the North Node moves through Aries this year. Those of you who stand poised to argue may discover it's more enjoyable to collaborate than compete. 

Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20, promising new ways of relating with your family that will evolve over the next 20 years. As the cycle begins, ignore the myth of lack. Discover how to shift your experiences of time, space, and energy. For example, did you know our experience of time changes based on the space we're in? Likewise, research shows engaging in activities we love energizes us. In addition, our beliefs and viewpoints inform our experiences. As Neptune goes retrograde from July 2 - December 7, it helps you discover ways to shape your perception.

On September 17, the Pisces Lunar Eclipse indicates changes in your social circle, leading you to become more involved in your community or start a group for people with shared interests. Once the spark of desire gets planted, it will grow and bloom. Mars stations retrograde on December 6, closing the year in a quiet mode, allowing you to reflect on a year of loving big and letting love transform you

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

2024 asks you to imagine you're surrounded by a bubble of protection shielding you from negativity or ill will. When you feel safe, you can face your fears, realizing their limiting constructs. Without that fear, what risk could you imagine taking? On April 20, Jupiter, your ruling planet, meets Uranus, the planet of surprises, in a dynamic transit full of possibilities. Your imagination is powerful. Use it to view the challenging areas of your life from different perspectives. By changing your viewpoint, you can see alternate pathways or ways of problem-solving.

Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20, starting a 20-year cycle in the water-bearer sign. This year, it awakens your mind and teaches you how to speak with greater authority. Your words have power, and you could command the attention of a large audience if you share your ideas with conviction. Between the Lunar Eclipse on March 24 and the Solar Eclipse on April 8, you learn about charisma, the blend of expression and heart. The North Node in Aries punctuates that theme all year. 

The Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2 highlights community and invites you to connect with supportive friends. If you have a project needing benefactors or sponsors, consider pitching your ideas when Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25, as this transit ushers in a year-long cycle in which the benefic planet helps collaboration, representation, and partnership.

Jupiter's presence supports romantic commitments as well. Stern Saturn anchors your domestic life, helping you create a nurturing nest. Saturn makes us work for what we want, and this is an area of accelerated growth. So, consider the repairs, changes, or upgrades your home needs.  

From November 25 – December 15, Mercury is retrograde in your sign, reminding you to take your time. 2024 is a year for you to gain momentum, and there's a fine line between fast-paced excitement and feeling overwhelmed. What sparks your enthusiasm? Even if you do not fully manifest a dream, enthusiasm is your soul's calling. Expect huge professional breakthroughs throughout the year. With each crossroad you face, you must step forward in faith

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You've enjoyed accelerated growth thanks to Pluto's move through your sign. Think of how different your life is today and how much you've risen into authority. Your voice carries farther today than before 2008 when Pluto entered your sign. This year, the planetary agent of transformation moves into Aquarius and sets you free to live life renewed. On January 20, the Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius, and though it moves back and forth between the two signs in late summer and autumn, it ushers you into its new 20-year cycle. 

As we start the year, Mars moves through your sign like a motivational force, making you more focused on goal setting. Practicality meets with vibrant desire, making the year's first quarter a time for new beginnings. Remember, you have the tenacity to make any dream a reality, and 2024 is a time to envision a more expanded view of what's possible. 

Mercury stations direct after its retrograde journey on January 1. Then, it moves back toward your sign on January 13, an influence that slows you down enough to let you see what's missing from your personal life. Do you have time to relax and rest? Are you hungry for more connection? Pay attention to these inner longings to discern how best to meet your heart's needs. 

Jupiter moves through Taurus until May 25, gracing you with optimism and a feeling of luck. The past several years have tested your faith, and doubt sometimes overshadowed hope. Shake off the cloud of despair – it's a new day! Jupiter meets with Uranus on April 20, indicating things could change instantly. Stay centered through a dedicated spiritual practice, like creative meditation or mindfulness, to keep a healthy detachment from struggle. Springtime is a creative, fertile time. Your attention is a force for change. 

Saturn moves through Pisces this year, allowing you to be precise with your words. It's a time for learning and teaching. You might be inspired to start a podcast, author a book, or find another way to share your ideas with the world. Saturn asks you to focus more intently, promising mastery in return

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your inner activist awakens more fully this year, thanks to Pluto's move into your sign on January 20, starting a 20-year cycle in your sign. The planetary agent of transformation encourages you to let your voice sing out. You may discover your inner muse. During this time, you're learning all about power. The etymological root of the word is pouer, which means the ability to act or do. In other words, you can do it! Remember this phrase as a mantra for the year, especially if you're born on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp or in the first few days of your sign. What would you do if you had no fear? Make those acts of courage your top intentions this year. 

War is on many people's minds. The North Node moves through Aries this year, riling up the activists, visionaries, and disruptors. Are you among them? Accept your call to challenge unfairness and work your way into a leadership position. The March 25 Lunar Eclipse lets you decide whether to become more involved in your community and, if that answer's yes, what role you'd like to play. I encourage you to have as much fun as possible in the process!

Speaking of fun, Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25, and joy can be a spiritual practice for a year while the planet of abundance is in this sign. This transit highlights fertility, making it an excellent time to nurture a seedling idea or welcome a little one into your life. Jupiter offers opportunities to share your creative genius with the world. Set intentions accordingly. 

Stern Saturn is in Pisces all year, directing you to live according to your values. 

On April 20, Jupiter meets Uranus in Taurus, merging electricity with excitement. Anything could happen, as Uranus signifies an element of mystery. You'll experience a shift in your career, encouraging you to reach a goal you previously thought unattainable. The following months will stir dormant potential. Dream big and then set intentions aligned with those dreams. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

What does it mean to accept a sacred call? 2024 reveals the answer to this question. Saturn, the planet of mastery, is in your sign all year, making it a time to dedicate yourself to your heart's deepest longing. Saturn's influence may seem like a lot of work, but he loves to reward your efforts with awards and recognition. Climb up to the top and enjoy the view from a new peak. Mars meets Saturn on April 10 in a transit that motivates you to renew your devotion to your path. 

The year starts with a spiritual revelation as Pluto and the Sun enter Aquarius on January 20. Pluto will be moving through the water-bearer sign for the next 20 years, but as the cycle starts this year, you will feel its presence, activating your dreams and inspiring prophetic visions. It could be an excellent time for spiritual coursework, especially with esoteric studies. Adding to this energetic upgrade, Neptune stations retrograde on July 2 in your sign, inviting you to discover the power of your intuition. 

Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25, dancing through your home and family sector and making it a time for a stellar redesign or home renovation project. Alternatively, you may be contemplating a move. Watch as the plans organically come together and Jupiter blesses you with helpful people. The light shines on any truth family members have hidden. It's a time for clarifying conversations and healing where it most needs to occur.

Finances are a focal point this year as the North Node travels through Aries and the South Node moves through Libra. The eclipses on March 25, April 8, and October 2 inspire new pathways to success, but you must trust yourself despite pitfalls. Life feels like an adventure throughout the spring and autumn, making them times to surrender your need to know the outcome of life's storylines. Agility is a defining character trait; use it to your advantage this year. 

Relationships fill your year with moments of overflowing gratitude and love. Saturn's presence in your sign helps you commit to love, while Neptune's influence infuses your romantic relationships with sweetness. This year allows you to know reciprocity in love, especially at the September 17 Pisces Lunar Eclipse. 

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