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2023 Horoscopes: Your Year Ahead

Get an overview of what's ahead for you in 2023 in your annual horoscopes from astrologer Rachel Lang.

By Rachel Lang

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Dream big, and you could see the fulfillment of that dream. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, moves through your sign until May 16. From January 22 to April 21, all planets are going direct, making it a time to charge forth in the spirit of your sign's symbol, the ram.

Pluto dips into Aquarius from March 23 – June 11, signaling a significant global shift. Pluto invites growth in your ability to make meaningful contributions to the world. Allow yourself to explore your aspirations with an open heart, and you’ll create space for your desires to materialize. Surround yourself with positive people for encouragement.

July 12, 2023, is a big day! The North Node destiny point enters Aries for the first time in 18 years. The North Node governs our sense of purpose and encourages us to think about how we align with our goals. It prepares you to activate your purpose and make progress on your aspirations. Perhaps you feel a renewed sense of motivation or maybe, you finally accept who you are and what you’re capable of achieving. Whatever comes from this energy shift, embrace it wholeheartedly as it has the power to transform your life in beautiful ways. The eclipses on October 14 and October 28 will punctuate these themes.

On July 23, Venus goes retrograde in Leo, allowing you to revisit experiences of love and connection from your past. This may mean bumping into a past partner, rekindling a lost love, or reliving old relationship dynamics. However, Venus retrograde can provide the right space for healing, allowing you to explore our current relationships with newfound love and clarity. By simply having the courage to see things as they areand breathing kindly into wherever we find ourselves—Venus can be a valuable teacher in matters of love in all its forms. Honoring both where you've been and where you're headed is key for an empowering inner journey through Venus' celestial dance this summer. May your heart open wisely!
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

These past two years have been quite a ride. You've faced challenges and obstacles you never thought possible, and you've come out stronger. You've expanded your capacity for responding to life’s ups and downs, and you're finally starting to feel a reprieve. This year marks a new beginning, a change for the better. Jupiter makes its way into your sign in May, opening doors of opportunity for an entire year. The planet of faith restores your belief in what's possible, allowing you to manifest more than you can imagine.

Saturn eases its pressure on you and the other fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) when it enters Pisces on March 7. It has moved through your career sector for the past two years. Professionally, it’s a year to strive for goals that feel slightly daunting and almost out of reach. In other words, aim high. Pluto dips into Aquarius on March 23, offering you a preview of what career growth you might expect next year. Discernment is your keyword. Several offers or proposals could come to you, and you’ll need to be selective. When deciding how best to move into the year, choose with your heart, knowing Jupiter offers more of a net to catch you if you fall. You can trust.  

The North Node finishes its journey through your sign on July 12. While it has been in your sign, every decision or action felt weighted with intensity because you more clearly understood what aligned with your purpose and what felt out of sync. There were moments this past year when you were humbled by others’ support and led by divine guidance. The North Node is a destiny point, and when it moves through your sign, you can push fear out of the way and realize potential. This year, you build upon the foundation you laid, but not with struggle. Life offers more grace.
Gemini (May 20 - June 20)

You start the year in a rush of activity as Mars continues its journey through your sign. After Mars stations direct on January 12, you’re off to the races! All planets are moving forward from January 22 to April 21, making it a time for fast, decisive action. Amidst the uncertainty of 2022, you carved a path for yourself that led to unimaginable adventures. As we begin the year, look back in wonder at all you’ve created; it’s just the beginning.

The astrological highlight of 2023 is Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius. It dips into this fellow air sign from March 23 to July 11, offering a preview of what will transpire over the next 20 years. Pluto asks you to consider the question: what makes you feel most alive? Then, invite more of that spirit into your life. Hopefully, travel is one of your answers.

Career growth is optimal this year as Saturn moves into Pisces and lights up your tenth house. You may make a total career change this year between March 7 and May 16. Saturn’s influence allows you to refine and give shape to any masterpiece or take on a leadership role. Still, you’ll likely play a balancing act between growth and healing. For every step forward you make professionally, you are met with resistance, which is a manifestation of fear. If you feel stuck, dig into your family roots to unearth ancestral pain and trauma. Awareness is a step toward freedom, and by the time Saturn enters Aries in 2025, you’ll be free of that fear.

Friendships blossom in the first quarter of the year with Jupiter in Aries. Expand your web and focus on genuine connections. The solar eclipse on October 14 lights up a romantic encounter. The Mercury retrograde cycle from August 23 to September 15 gives you a chance to reach closure for any lingering romantic regrets or woes. Notice any blocks you might have in receiving love. Are you afraid of being indebted? Afraid of losing your freedom? After July 12, you could discover the transformative beauty of merging with another. These subtle shifts expand your heart’s capacity to love.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Of all the zodiac signs, you have your finger on the pulse of what's happening in the world because of your keen intuition. Your sensitivity is a precious guidepost that protects you and those you love. Burgeoning hope fills your imagination with possibilities for what you will create this year. Your intuition will lead you toward the next steps. Since 2008, Pluto, the planetary agent of transformation, has been moving through your opposite sign. You’ve been in a chrysalis phase of life, but you’re about to emerge from the cocoon. You're open to receiving good news and golden opportunities. 

George Bernard Shaw said, “Don't wait for opportunity, create it.” Keep this in mind when it comes to your professional life. Jupiter is shining in your career sector until May, laying the groundwork for career expansion. Prospects that didn’t reach fruition could come full circle in the first quarter. Be clear about what you want.  You might make a vision board to have a symbolic representation of those goals in your space.

Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16, and relationships are a ticket to success. The solar eclipse on April 20 suggests a sudden change in your family life. Any disruption is only temporary, and your loved ones will cheer for you. Healing happens with the solar eclipse on October 14 and the lunar on October 28. 

Venus goes retrograde from July 22 to September 3 in your second house of self-worth. How much do you value yourself? How deserving do you feel of love? These questions define your experience as Pluto enters Aquarius from March 23 to July 11. Pluto continues to reform your experience of love and partnership this year. You have learned to be more receptive in romantic relationships, and you've opened your heart in miraculous ways. Some of those lessons were hard-won, but you're moving to a new phase of real, lasting connection. As Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, it reminds you to relax—you're not alone. The healthiest relationships feed and nurture us in a way that allows us to feel free. 

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

We aren’t born with courage; it is something we cultivate. Fear and courage run on a continuum—it’s only through facing our fears that we become courageous. The past two years have imbued you with courage. Saturn, the planet of hard work and mastery, has been moving through your opposite sign, and Uranus, the planet of radical progress and change, has been challenging your sign.

You've expanded your capacity to welcome life's challenges with a creative mind and hopeful spirit. Today marks a new beginning in all ways. Jupiter, the brightest planet in our solar system, lends its light to your career from May 16, 2023 - May 25, 2024. Remember, you are the creator of your life experience, and you get to choose abundance over lack, even if you have no control over the global economy. 

The North Node destiny point slides into Aries on July 12, awakening your urge for adventure in business. It could be time to venture into new markets or to work more globally. Push beyond fear. Over the next 18 months, let curiosity lead you to study subjects that have a philosophical or spiritual foundation. The solar eclipse on October 14 in Libra offers a surprising revelation. Research, teach and write, to share your findings with the world. From July 22 to September 3, Venus retrogrades in your sign. Relationships could feel fated or resemble family dynamics. Sometimes, it takes more courage to stay in a troubled relationship than it does to leave. In standing still, we face the more uncomfortable aspects of ourselves in relationships. We move through conflict and come out the other side stronger as a couple—as a team. In pinpointing the fundamental reasons why we pull back when others draw close, we can heal wounds of insecurity and lift the shroud of mistrust.  If you have any questions about love this year, look within. Have the wisdom to know what's right and the courage to act accordingly. 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

We start and end the year with Mercury going retrograde. Being extra sensitive to the planet of organization, you might appreciate the bookends of reflection in an otherwise dynamic and fast-paced year. Retrograde cycles allow us to recognize the shadow aspects of ourselves. As seeds sprout in the dark, so do our creative ideas unfurl from the dark of our shadow. It holds the hidden truth that unleashes our potential. During retrograde periods we enter the dark and feel our way through until—BAM! The transit ends, leaving us braver, stronger, and more mature. 

Shifting gears, finances are a priority this year. Jupiter moves through Aries until May 16, helping you balance debt, fine-tune your investments, and clarify details about inheritances. Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, and Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16. They dance favorably in your chart, opening opportunities for strategic partnerships, business expansion, or a call to leadership. The uphill climb you've had with professional pursuits begins to plateau this year in a good place, and Saturn helps you see the fruits of your efforts.

Jupiter shines favorably on you from May 16, 2023 to May 25, 2024. Remember the saying, health is wealth? Keep it in mind in August and September when Venus and Mercury are retrograde. If we don't take time for stillness, sometimes the universe steps in to quiet us down. 

Pluto moves into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11. Aquarius is the sign of community, one area of your life to prioritize. Societal power structures will change, and you can be ahead of the curve by thinking of your team as a tribe. You can be their guiding light. 

Love means commitment this year, and Saturn's move into Pisces refines your ability to love and be loved. Saturn helps you refine your skills to build a life and share day-to-day experiences with someone else. It could mean new business partnerships or romantic relationships. Over the next two and a half years, you will face some of your greatest challenges and joys in this area of your life.

Libra (September 22 - October 22)

Congratulations! You’ve scored recognition over the past two years as Saturn transited through Aquarius. Any efforts that felt like a slow, calculated climb finally reach a peak early this year before Saturn shifts into Pisces on March 7. Then, you can coast for a little while. Saturn is the planet of commitment and responsibility, and it presented you with a new role. Now, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. 

Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, shines in your opposite sign until May 16, making it a good time to form partnerships and collaborate with others. You’ll find it easier to work in a team at the start of the year. Opportunities may seem fleeting or intangible, but don’t lose faith! After Jupiter enters Taurus, you gain a better sense of what’s yours for the taking. Fasten your seatbelts from March 23 - June 11. Pluto slides into Aquarius for a brief time, offering us a preview of its 20-year cycle. The dwarf planet of structural power dubs you a social artist. This year and next, you’re learning to redefine power according to your gifts. Hone your relationship genius as a start.

The North Node destiny point moves into Aries on July 12. Who are you without your relationships? You’ll soon find out and deepen bonds with those you love over the next eighteen months. The solar eclipse on October 14 punctuates relationship themes, and you could have sudden insights about challenging dynamics. Pay attention to the solar eclipse on April 20 for clues about what’s on the horizon in romance. We often long for what we don’t have, and then, after we manifest it, we want the comfort of what we had before. Don’t wait to appreciate your life. Celebrate it!

Venus goes retrograde from July 22 - September 3, and we become more introspective. Allow yourself to take a break from social activities. Catch your breath before your birthday season begins. The end of the year showers you with gifts as Venus moves through your sector of finances and opposes Jupiter; be cautious with your spending and open to receive.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) 

“The South Node went through my sign, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.”  What do you think? Should I start a line of astrological t-shirts for when hard transits leave us lacking a sense of humor? Ha! Last year was a doozy with Mars retrograde, two eclipses in your sign, and Saturn and Uranus tugging in opposite directions. Pressure is an understatement. Does it get better? Is it safe to trust? 2023 restores your hope, helps heal your relationships, and lets you explore business opportunities.

Saturn, the planet of commitment, moves into Pisces on March 7, and for the next two years, you’ll be taking practical steps toward fulfilling your creative dreams. This transit gives you a serious urge to express a core idea or reveal a personal truth, making this an excellent time to write a memoir or start a novel. 

Family relationships undergo dynamic shifts as truth rises to the surface during Pluto’s dip into Aquarius from March 23 - June 11. It offers a preview of a longer cycle that starts next year. Be willing to dig deep into your family’s past to uncover secrets. It’s a time for deep healing, beginning with an awareness of how you are a living embodiment of ancestral patterns. Your growth and development help heal the generation before you and the ones yet to come. 

Relationships are a focal point after May 16, and the lunar eclipse on October 28 offers you a change of heart in a relationship that’s felt strained. If financial worries impede the connection between you and your partner, lean on logical solutions at the start of the year. Mars moves through Gemini until March, making it a time to negotiate a balanced approach to household expenses and long-term investments. Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16, shining a bright light on committed love, but if you try to control the current of energy, it could backfire. Jupiter asks you to trust and wait for invitations. 

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Oh, happy day! I want to sing as I start writing your horoscope. It’s your reminder to celebrate the goodness in your life on a day-to-day basis, in the here and now. I promise this works even when we’re at our lowest. Then, share goodness with others! Helping others signals the release of serotonin and dopamine, our feel-good neurotransmitters. Jupiter, the planet of generosity, rules your sign. At the start of 2023, you’re learning the sacred dance of giving and receiving with Jupiter in fire-sign Aries until May 16. 

Romantic relationships play out in a comedy of errors throughout January and March as Mars moves through your opposite sign, Gemini. Maintain your sense of humor if your date is a dud or you feel you’ve pressed the rewind button on your love life. Sparks fly at the solar eclipse in Aries on April 20, offering a course correct in your romantic life. Understand your need to feel free; it’s a driving force that underlies all commitments. Have compassion for the part of you that needs some time alone, especially from July 22 - September 3 when Venus moves in retrograde motion. 

Home life gets cozier as Saturn enters sensitive Pisces on March 7. You might want to settle down with your partner, and real estate decisions take on a more serious tone. For the next two and a half years, you’ll come to the aid of family members, heal fractured relationships, and dig deep to explore your roots. Saturn shows where we’re doing the hard work, but it always pays off. 

Pluto dips into Aquarius from May 23 - June 11, foreshadowing what will come in 2024. Aquarius is the sign of the individual expressing their unique talents as a vital part of the collective whole. What are your gifts? What brings you joy? Follow these threads of inquiry to discover your next calling. Aquarius is an air sign, making this a favorable time to write, host a podcast, or learn to be a more effective speaker. Your words have power. Grab your megaphone and step out on stage! The world is finally ready to hear your message. 

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Scientists understand that a photon of light can act like a particle or a wave, depending on a person's perception. Physicists conducted an experiment that proved even more shocking – the path of a photon isn’t predetermined. The scientist could make a decision in the present that changed the past and the future trajectory of the photon. Our perception shapes our past, present, and future reality. As a Capricorn, you’re wired to be realistic, but 2023 is different. It invites you to behold possibilities that are outside the scope of your day-to-day. It invites you into magical thinking. Thank Jupiter, the planet of manifested dreams, and Uranus, the planet of weird science, for showing you the power you have to change everything in your life… everything

Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, beaming its light in your romantic affairs. The lunar eclipse on October 28 offers surprises, maybe a change in relationship status! Adopt a relaxed approach in any new relationships—don’t worry about the future. Be present to relish every experience. Even heart-heavy times can be fraught with beauty.

Saturn, your planetary guardian, moves into poetic Pisces on March 7. For the next two years, your mind expands to collect new ideas and information, but you’ll learn through disciplined work. If you’ve considered writing a book or developing a workshop, set aside time from April 21 - May 14 when Mercury retrograde pulls you inward. Mercury’s going retrograde in your sign until January 18, 2023, and then it stations retrograde again in your sign on December 12, 2023. You start and end the year with a mini-life review, retracing steps along the path you’ve taken. Think of photons and tell your stories differently as an experiment to see if subtle changes can affect the past and future. 

Your career gains momentum as you access more creativity. Pluto eases some pressure from March 23 - June 11 as it dips into Aquarius. Since 2008, it’s been moving through your sign. Your ego had to die and be reborn over and over again. Now, you’re ready to fly like a butterfly, transformed. 

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

2023 is a year of liberation and growth for Aquarius. Saturn, the planetary security guard, has been in your sign since late 2020, and you've been in a period of high-pressure, high-stakes activity. You've reached new levels of mastery in your professional life, and you've solidified commitments in your personal life. On March 7, Saturn leaves your sign, and you celebrate the start of a new chapter—one of accelerated growth with few obstacles.  

Pluto dips into Aquarius from March 23 - June 11. The planet of power shows a preview of what's to come next year. Throughout the year, you’re preparing for this transit and the life-changing events about to transpire. Clear and clean house early in the year. You'll want to review your life and ensure all aspects are in place and working. You may feel a bit overwhelmed, but you have the power to create a new vision for yourself. 

Reimagine your priorities. The Sun moves into Aquarius on February 18, 2023, marking an amazing period of creative energy and inspiration. Your ideas will be even more brilliant than usual as your mind opens up to new possibilities. Take advantage of this time by building relationships and making connections. 

Venus goes retrograde in your opposite sign from July 22 to September 3, bringing relationship challenges to a head. You may need more individuation time. The good news? It is a great time to work on your insecurities and other issues holding you back. Take the time to get to know yourself so that when Venus goes direct again, you can go out into the world with confidence and renewed hope! Relationships could be under the spotlight after the North Node enters independent Aries on July 12. For the next 18 months, you are fine-tuning communication skills and learning to let your heart take the lead (and not your head). In the past, you may have been quick to ignore your concerns and keep the peace. By the end of the year, you’ll advocate for yourself the way you do for others. You can have the love you want. 

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Mythological Saturn was so power-hungry that he ate his children to prevent them from overtaking the throne. When Saturn enters your sign on March 7, kicking off a 2-year cycle, you will learn lessons in power, authority, and achievement. Your power is your ability to create and shape your lifeyour I AM essence. No one can take, usurp, or deny it without your permission. The tricky thing about this transit is that Saturn’s influence makes us aware of painful limitations, and if you fall into the trap of believing they’re real, you become stuck. Saturn's limits are perceptions we have come to believe through early experiences of betrayal, loss, and abandonment. If you find yourself saying, I can’t because… stop! Change your mindset.

Jupiter shines Aries until May 16, making this a year for realizing abundance. Even if you’re more hopeful about money, you don’t have to go on a spending spree. Balance is your keyword. After May 16, Jupiter enters Taurus and ushers in a year of adventure, which could involve travel. 2023 could be the year you buy an RV and live on the road. If you’re more of a homebody, open your mind in other ways, like through classes or workshops. 

Relationships are more fun and lighthearted at the beginning of the year, and online dating may prove successful. In July, the North Node destiny point enters Aries and the relationship mood shifts. You may need more time alone from April 20 - May 5, the two weeks between the solar and lunar eclipse. Things always feel more intense, and you’re sensitive to it all. Take time alone with your dreams, journal your thoughts, or deepen your spiritual practice. 

Though your love life is a primary interest, the North Node draws your focus to money. Over the next 18 months, you will explore self-worth and how it relates to financial well-being. Professional opportunities may have passed you by, but rejection is protection. You’ve been in a pressure cooker and may feel criticized at work. Assert yourself, but also listen. Is there something to learn? 

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