June 1, 2017

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The Gift of Giving

Grounding in the Great In-Between

An Autumn Retreat to Release, Renew & Reconnect

Revitalize your being and connect more deeply with the life-giving force within and around you with restorative yoga teacher Jillian Pransky.

Join us October 4 - 6, 2024 in Rhinebeck, NY

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Elizabeth Kearns is a devoted friend of Omega and founder of Orchid Bee Vanilla, a permaculture program that supports indigenous farmers and women’s groups in Belize.

A participant in Omega programs for more than 15 years, Elizabeth credits Family Week for providing a support system for her and her daughter as well as tools to help navigate and nurture their relationship.

She is particularly passionate about the Omega Center for Sustainable Living (OCSL), and says it was there that she learned to nurture within herself the courage and commitment she needed to start the permaculture program.

“Seeing the OCSL building and the Eco ​​Machine™​ made me consider, for the first time in my life, what my relationship to nature was and all that it could be,” she said. “It changed the trajectory of my life’s work.”

Elizabeth supports Omega in many ways. As a donor to both the OCSL and the Omega Women’s Leadership Center (OWLC), she says the greatest gift is to help create opportunities for others to experience Omega for themselves.

Read more donor stories.