December 20, 2018

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Supporting the Future

Grounding in the Great In-Between

An Autumn Retreat to Release, Renew & Reconnect

Revitalize your being and connect more deeply with the life-giving force within and around you with restorative yoga teacher Jillian Pransky.

Join us October 4 - 6, 2024 in Rhinebeck, NY

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Sandy Morrison loved coming to Omega for many years. Then in the course of a single year, she lost her job, was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her father passed away suddenly.

If ever Sandy needed Omega in her life, it was then. Through the generosity of scholarship support, Sandy returned to Omega in 2014 to find the healing, respite, and rejuvenation she needed. Her Omega experience, she says, was so helpful and important during a particularly challenging point in her life.

Because Omega was there for her when she needed it most, Sandy wants to ensure Omega will be there for others.

When she received an unexpected inheritance, she contacted Omega to learn more about giving. It was easier than she thought. With guidance from her attorney and a few conversations with our development department, Sandy named Omega as a beneficiary of her estate.

Through the Morrison Family Scholarship Fund, Sandy will touch the future and help others access Omega when they too need it most.

By making a testamentary gift, Sandy joined a number of others in The Sanctuary Circle, which recognizes and celebrates those who have chosen to support Omega by creating a lasting legacy in their will or other gift-planning vehicle.

Members of The Sanctuary Circle help shape Omega’s future and inspire others to join in “awakening the best in the human spirit” through their generous planning and support.

If you would like information on how to make your own planned gift to Omega, please contact chief development officer Veronica Fitzgerald at or call 845.266.4444 x.402.

If you have already named Omega in your bequest plans, please contact us so we can celebrate and recognize you for making such a heartfelt gift.

Read more donor stories.