RECIPE 2 minutes

Strawberry Beet Lemonade Smoothie
This naturally sweet smoothie contains some of the freshest produce of the season to give you a healthy boost. Both the lemons and strawberries are high in vitamin C, while the beets are known to help lower high blood pressure. Sip and enjoy!
- Prep Time:
- 3 min |
- Cook Time:
- 2 min
Serves 1 (about 16 ounces)
1 raw beet (peeled and chopped)*
1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1 banana
1.5 cups coconut water (or regular drinking water)
2 tablespoons lemon juice (about one lemon, squeezed)
a pinch of sea salt
a few ice cubes (optional)
Wash and prepare all ingredients, then combine them in a blender, blending on high for 1-2 minutes or until well mixed. If you don’t have a high-speed blender, consider steaming your beets for about 15 minutes before adding to the blender.
Note: Beeturia is a common, harmless side effect of consuming beets. After consuming this smoothie, don't be alarmed if your urine turns red.
© 2020 Suzanne Boothby. Used with permission.