February 28, 2018

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Make the Most of Your Membership

Here are 6 tips to help you get all the benefits of your Omega membership. 

Grounding in the Great In-Between

An Autumn Retreat to Release, Renew & Reconnect

Revitalize your being and connect more deeply with the life-giving force within and around you with restorative yoga teacher Jillian Pransky.

Join us October 4 - 6, 2024 in Rhinebeck, NY

Learn More

1. Customize Your Profile

To get articles, videos, and talks specifically on topics you’re interested in, go to Edit Profile and click on the categories that appeal to you. We’ll make sure you see more of those topics in the Recommended section on your profile.

While there, you can also add a photo of yourself, update your personal information, and change your contribution amount, email, or password.

2. Organize Your Favorites

If you see something you like and want to keep it for later reference, simply click the bookmark tab in the upper right corner of the square content tile to add it to your My Favorites list. You can also click on the "Add to favorites" tab on the left side of any content page.

Note: If you favorite a workshop, the workshop will disappear from your list once the date of the program has passed.

3. Register & Save

Many of the hundreds of workshops we offer each year have a special member discount rate. Look under the Tuition tab on the workshop's page to see if a member discount is offered. To review which programs you’ve registered for, go to your My Orders tab. 

4. Sign Up for Your Free Online Workshop

As part of your membership, you get one free online workshop a year. At the top of your profile, you’ll find the promo code to get your discount. To see the current list of online programs, visit Online Learning.

5. Get Advance Notice

Some of our most popular programs sell out quickly. As a member you’ll get advance notice via email when these programs open for registration. 

6. Tell Us About It 

Let the Wellness Center, Café, and Bookstore know you’re a member to receive your discount. Your membership status also will be noted on the back of the name badge you receive when you check in for your program. 

Do you have a question we haven't answered? Visit the FAQ page or contact us.