Section 1: Symptom Frequency Score
0 None
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe
- Unexplained fevers, sweats, chills, or flushing
- Unexplained weight change; loss or gain
- Fatigue, tiredness
- Unexplained hair loss
- Swollen glands
- Sore throat
- Testicular or pelvic pain
- Unexplained menstrual irregularity
- Unexplained breast milk production; breast pain
- Irritable bladder or bladder dysfunction
- Sexual dysfunction or loss of libido
- Upset stomach
- Change in bowel function (constipation or diarrhea)
- Chest pain or rib soreness
- Shortness of breath or cough
- Heart palpitations, pulse skips, heart block
- History of a heart murmur or valve prolapse
- Joint pain or swelling
- Stiffness of the neck or back
- Muscle pain or cramps
- Twitching of the face or other muscles
- Headaches
- Neck cracks or neck stiffness
- Tingling, numbness, burning, or stabbing sensations
- Facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy)
- Eyes/vision: double, blurry
- Ears/hearing: buzzing, ringing, ear pain
- Increased motion sickness, vertigo
- Light-headedness, poor balance, difficulty walking
- Tremors
- Confusion, difficulty thinking
- Difficulty with concentration or reading
- Forgetfulness, poor short-term memory
- Disorientation: getting lost; going to wrong places
- Difficulty with speech or writing
- Mood swings, irritability, depression
- Disturbed sleep: too much, too little, early awakening
- Exaggerated symptoms or worse hangover from alcohol
Section 1 Total:
Section 2: Most Common Symptoms
If you rated a 3 for each of the following in Section 1, give yourself 5 additional points:
- Fatigue
- Forgetfulness, poor short-term memory
- Joint pain or swelling
- Tingling, numbness, burning, or stabbing sensations
- Disturbed sleep: too much, too little, early awakening
Section 2 Total:
Section 3: Lyme Incidence Score
Now please circle the points for each of the following statements you can agree with:
- You have had a tick bite with no rash or flulike symptoms. 3 points
- You have had a tick bite, an erythema migrans, or an undefined rash, followed by flulike symptoms. 5 points
- You live in what is considered a Lyme-endemic area. 2 points
- You have a family member who has been diagnosed with Lyme and/or other tick-borne infections. 1 point
- You experience migratory muscle pain. 4 points
- You experience migratory joint pain. 4 points
- You experience tingling/burning/numbness that migrates and/or comes and goes. 4 points
- You have received a prior diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. 3 points
- You have received a prior diagnosis of a specific autoimmune disorder (lupus, MS, or rheumatoid arthritis), or of a nonspecific autoimmune disorder. 3 points
- You have had a positive Lyme test (IFA, ELISA, Western blot, PCR, and/or borrelia culture). 5 points
Section 3 Total:
Section 4: Overall Health Score
- Thinking about your overall physical health, for how many of the past 30 days was your physical health not good?________ days
Award yourself the following points based on the total number of days:
0-5 days = 1 point
6-12 days = 2 points
13-20 days = 3 points
21–30 days = 4 points
55. Thinking about your overall mental health, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good?________ days
0–5 days = 1 point
6–12 days = 2 points
13–20 days = 3 points
21–30 days = 4 points
Section 4 Total:
Section 5: Scoring
Record your total scores for each section below and add them together to achieve your final score:
Section 1 Total:
Section 2 Total:
Section 3 Total:
Section 4 Total:
Final Score:
Section 6: Data Interpretation
If you scored 46 or more, you have a high probability of a tick-borne disorder and should see a health-care provider for further evaluation.
If you scored between 21 and 45, you possibly have a tick-borne disorder and should see a health-care provider for further evaluation.
If you scored under 21, you are not likely to have a tick-borne disorder.
Interpreting the Results
We see a high frequency of Section 1 symptoms in our patients, including fatigue, joint and muscle pain that often migrates, sleep disorders, as well as memory and concentration problems, and a high frequency of Section 3 symptoms, especially neuropathic pain that comes and goes and migrates (tingling, numbness, burning, etc.). These form a cluster of presenting symptoms that are characteristic of those with a high probability of having Lyme-MSIDS.