The divine is summoning us to sacred activism, asking us to fuse together in the depth of our being the profound depth of awareness that we’re capable of and the wise and radical action that’s urgently needed. To do this we need to fuse together these five different kinds of service.
1) Serve the Divine
The first kind of service is service to the divine, by whatever name you know and love the divine. This is a service of praise, thanksgiving, celebration, and prayer. This service will call down divine grace and divine guidance.
2) Serve Yourself
The second kind of service is service to yourself, because if you’re going to turn up in this exploding world and do real work, you’re going to need to be fundamentally strong and energized. In my experience this demands five kinds of interrelated sacred practice—cool practices to connect to the divine, hot practices to awaken your sacred heart, prayer practice to stay connected, physical practice to embody the divine, and shadow work to unite your inner mystic with your inner activist.
3) Realize the Divinity of Everything
The third kind of service that you can do right now is to start realizing that you are a divine being in a divine world, and that means you need to show courtesy, respect, honor, and compassion to all living beings.
4) Discover Your Mission
The fourth kind of service is to understand that you’re in a potential extinction event, and you’re being summoned to put love into action.
To find out what your mission in a time like this is, I urge you to try this practice. Wake up at 3:00 in the morning, surround yourself with the peace and protection of the divine, and ask yourself which of all the causes in the world breaks your heart the most. Continue to ask that question until it becomes clear that there is one cause, or a couple of them, which so deeply outrages your heart that you’re willing to step up and do something real about it.
If you do this work of uncovering your most radical heartbreak, what you’ll discover is that in the center of your heartbreak there is a fountain of deathless passion that will never run dry. If you connect with that fountain of deathless passion energy, you will always have the radiant, virtual energy to continue to fight peacefully for the victory of the cause that you have chosen, because you will always be inspired by the passion borne out of heartbreak to continue to do the work.
To really put this service into practice, you can create what I call a Network of Grace. Networks of Grace are groups of between six to 15 people, little cells who come together in love and fellowship and sacred joy to do something real in their local environments. All over the world, people are discovering the extraordinary empowerment that comes from turning out together in small communities to encourage each other and hold each other accountable for doing real works of transformative service in the local community.
So if you actually combine this exercise of truly asking yourself what breaks your heart the most with a commitment to create a Network of Grace—of fellow lovers and fellow heartbroken servants of God—then you’ll find that your service will become active, real, impassioned, and energetic.
5) Live More Congruently
The fifth kind of service is to realize that every choice you make—economic, emotional, sexual, or political—has now to be aligned with the possibility of a great birth taking place after this great death. Every choice we make has untold consequences. And we’re at a time when we need to disentangle as much as possible in all of our choices from the death machine that’s now destroying everything.
Live more and more simply. Live more and more congruently. Live more and more consciously. And truly understand at the deepest level that it is now or never for the human race. And that all of us have the responsibility to bring all the different realms of our lives into congruent resonance with the birth of the new humanity that is desperately trying to take place against great odds.