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9 Ways to Make the Most of Your 2020 Horoscope

2020 is going to be a powerful, dynamic year of metamorphosis. As you work with your yearlong horoscope, astrologer Rachel Lang offers these tips to help guide you and keep you on track.

By Rachel Lang

  1. Understand your ego. When you can decipher its influence in your life, you can make wiser choices. (If you need support in learning more about your ego, I suggest reading A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle.)
  2. Be prepared. Exercise caution in your financial life.
  3. Identify any relationship challenges and address them. Otherwise, they could show up as conflicts.
  4. Self-care is so important! Make time to care for your body, mind, and spirit. Be in stillness at least once a week, develop your spiritual gifts, join a spiritual community for support, or journal.
  5. Become more involved in your community or with a cause that’s important to you. Start forming them early in 2020, and you’ll see new relationships flourish and grow in 2021. 
  6. Don’t be a bystander. If you witness something unethical or disturbing, speak up!
  7. Challenge your beliefs. Identify the root of them to determine whether or not they feel true to you.
  8. Every morning and evening, make contact with Mother Earth. Just as you might have a prayer routine, adopt a grounding practice to send some love into this brilliant, beautiful planet of ours. The natural world responds to energy—to love and goodness as well as to anger or indifference. With so many outer planets in earth signs, our earth needs extra love and goodness directed her way this year.
  9. It’s a 4 year (2+0+2+0 = 4). That means you’ll be rewarded for your focused effort and dedication. Don’t give up if you’re pursuing a goal or building a dream! Keep going strong!

© 2020 Rachel Lang. Used with permission.