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3-Day Juice Reboot

Do you need to simplify your food for a few days or get back on track with healthy eating? Try this 3-day juice reboot from juicing advocate Joe Cross.

By Joe Cross

A Reboot is a period of time where you commit to drinking and eating fruits and vegetables in order to regain or sustain your vitality, lose weight, and kick-start healthy habits that recharge your body and get your diet back in alignment for optimal wellness. The 3-Day Quick-Start Juice-Only Reboot is a plan that involves drinking only juice for 3 days.

Why Reboot?
A Reboot is the perfect way to power up your system with fresh, clean, plant-based energy. When you juice, your system is flooded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients—plant-based compounds that help your body stay strong, look great, and fight disease.

The 3-Day Quick-Start Juice-Only Reboot will help you:

  • Reset your system to crave healthy foods
  • Jump-start weight loss
  • Boost your immune system
  • Promote clear, beautiful skin
  • Ease digestion

Who Can Reboot? 

Rebooting is for almost everyone with a few exceptions. Please don’t attempt a Reboot if you are pregnant or nursing, under 18, or have a severe medical condition. Check with your doctor if you are unsure. If you are currently on medication, ask your doctor before starting this or any diet program.

Calorie Counting
Our 3-Day Reboot is designed to provide approximately 1,200 calories or more a day but actual calories and yields will vary depending on your juicer. We don’t focus on counting calories. In fact, drinking more vegetable juice and water, not less, like your average “diet plan,” will work best for weight loss. If you do a Reboot, you will probably lose weight. If you don’t want to lose weight, you can still Reboot for the amazing health benefits. Just aim to drink more juice to support your metabolism.

Set Your Reboot Expectations
Think of juicing like any new skill; it takes practice. In the beginning, you may experience some setbacks. Don’t worry—that’s all part of the process. As you start this 3-Day Reboot, you are eliminating many of your comfort foods, so you may experience some emotional release along with some physical symptoms. Be prepared for a few aches and pains, sniffles, or cranky feelings. To set yourself up for success, follow the Getting Ready steps below. Similarly, take a few days afterward to include lots of fruits and veggies in your daily diet.

Getting Ready
The cleaner your diet is going into the Reboot, the faster you will get to the feel-great phase!

The week before you start your Reboot:

  • Reduce processed or “junk” foods, white flours, sugar, desserts, fried food
  • Eliminate fast food, processed meats like bacon or deli meats, and alcohol
  • Transition off meat • Transition off dairy • Reduce caffeine
  • Stay hydrated (at least 64-72 ounces (2-2.5 Litres) a day, or more if you are overweight or active)
  • Get extra sleep
  • Eat more salads, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and vegetables
  • Drink at least one fresh juice daily
  • Purchase a juicer (if you don’t already have one)

One Day Before the Reboot:
Medication: Stop all nonprescription vitamins and supplements during the Reboot, unless you have been advised to take them by a physician. Don’t take any self-prescribed, over-the-counter medications.

Juicer: Set up your juicer the night before—get all parts cleaned and ready on your kitchen counter.

Fluid intake during your Reboot:
On your Reboot, the minimum amount of juice and fluids you’ll be consuming each day is:

  • 4–6 glasses of fresh juice (16–20 oz/500–600 ml each)
  • 8 glasses (8oz/250ml) of additional fluids, consisting of water (hot and cold), coconut water, tea, and broth.

Your nonjuice fluid intake will look something like this:

  • 1 cup of hot water with lemon/ginger, first thing in the morning (8 oz/250 ml)
  • 2 glasses of coconut water as a mid-morning snack 
(8 oz/250 ml each; 16 oz/500 ml in total)
  • 4 glasses of water, spread throughout the day (8 oz/250 ml each; 32 oz/1 liter in total)
  • 1 cup of herbal tea in the evening (8 oz/250 ml) 

The amount of fluid each person needs on a Reboot varies, so if you have headaches, are feeling dizzy, or are exercising more than you usually do, drink more coconut water or juice.

It’s time to begin your Reboot!

3-Day Quick-Start Reboot Shopping List


20 apples
340 g/12 oz/2 2/3 cups blueberries
7 lemons
3 oranges
4 peaches(if unavailable use pears)
1 pear

3 beetroot (beets)
18 large carrots
12 celery sticks
7 cucumbers
6 bunches of kale (Tuscan cabbage)
3 parsnips
2 bunches of spinach
2 sweet potato

ground cinnamon
15 cm/6 in piece of fresh root ginger
1 bunch of parsley
48 oz/1.4 litres coconut water


Makes 2 servings

3 beetroot (beets)
8 carrots
3 oranges

Makes 2 servings

6 carrots
4 apples
2 in/5 cm piece of fresh root ginger

Garden Variety
Makes 2 servings

4 apples
4 cucumbers
12–16 kale leaves (Tuscan cabbage)
2 handfuls of parsley

Joe's Mean Green
Makes 2 servings

2 cucumbers
8 celery sticks
4 apples
16 kale leaves (Tuscan cabbage)
1 lemon
2 in/5 cm piece of fresh root ginger

Green Lemonade
Makes 2 servings

2 apples
4 handfuls of spinach
16 kale leaves (Tuscan cabbage)
1 cucumber
4 celery sticks
2 lemons

Peach or Pear Pie Delight
Makes 1 serving

1 sweet potato
2 ripe peaches or pears
1 apple
5 oz /150 g/1 cup blueberries
dash of ground cinnamon

Ginger Pear-snip
Makes 1 serving

3 parsnips
1 pear
1.5 in/4 cm ginger

Makes 2 servings

4 apples
4 carrots
2 lemons

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Wake Up

8 oz/250 ml hot water with lemon/ginger

Wake Up

8 oz/250 ml hot water with lemon/ginger

Wake Up

8 oz/250 ml hot water with lemon/ginger


Sunrise Juice
(Recipe makes 2 servings: have 1 now and save the other for your afternoon snack)


(Recipe makes 2 servings: have 1 now and save the other for your afternoon snack)


(Recipe makes 2 servings: have 1 now and save the other for your afternoon snack)


16 oz/500 ml coconut water


16 oz/500 ml coconut water


16 oz/500 ml coconut water


Joe’s Mean Green
(Recipe makes 2 servings: have 1 now and save the other for dinner)


Green Lemonade
(Recipe makes 2 servings: have 1 now and save the other for your dinner)


Garden Variety
(Recipe makes 2 servings: have 1 now and save the other for dinner)

Afternoon snack

Sunrise (2nd portion)

Afternoon snack

Sunrise (2nd portion)

Afternoon snack

Carrot-Apple-Lemon (2nd portion)


Joe’s Mean Green (2nd portion)


Green Lemonade (2nd portion)


Garden Variety (2nd portion)


Peach or Pear Pie Delight (recipe makes 1 serving)


Ginger Pear-Snip (recipe makes 1 serving)


Peach or Pear Pie Delight (recipe makes 1 serving)


Herbal tea


Herbal tea


Herbal tea