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2021 Horoscopes: Your Year Ahead

Get an overview of what's ahead for you in 2021 in your annual horoscopes from astrologer Rachel Lang.

By Rachel Lang

Aries (March 21-April 19)

If the universe handed you a microphone and placed you on stage, what would you say to the world? After several years of uncomfortable growth, you've earned wisdom to share. You've also worked through fears that kept you from using your voice. Now, you are ready to speak, teach, and lead. Don't fear your charisma or usurp your power. 

In 2020, Mars fired up your inner warrior and activist. 2021 gives you opportunities to direct your passion and make your mark. You stand grounded in the practical ways you can participate in a movement or lead others. You could become politically involved or be nominated to serve on a committee. Start the year by forming a mission statement for yourself, and let this lead your decisions. 

With the North Node in Gemini, you will examine your beliefs and worldview. The eclipses on May 26 and June 10 prompt revelations that help you overcome limiting attitudes and beliefs. Let curiosity be a keyword and be willing to question what you think you know. 

With Saturn moving through Aquarius, your social circle could change. Friends will show their true colors. As you discern how best to focus your time and energy, you may discover you've outgrown some of your relationships. Appreciate how your shared history helped shape your life and let go if necessary. 

Finances could fluctuate, especially in February, June, and December. Some changes are expected, given the challenges of 2020. However, some surprises could spark ideas for new streams of income. 

In love, a friendship could evolve into a romance in the springtime. If you are in a relationship, you will feel more secure and peaceful about your commitment this year. It's time to stand still and close the exit doors. Then, you'll see what you can learn about yourself and grow.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You start 2021 energized and ready to take flight, soaring to new destinations. Mars moves into your sign on January 6 and fuels your ambition. If you maintain this motivation all year, you will achieve excellence in your career. If you have been working to build a business, your efforts may have felt fruitless. Maybe you wanted to give up, but you kept going. Your hard work will pay off, but do not base your self-worth on your profession, or you won't feel free. From June 28-July 5, make it a top priority to enjoy yourself doing what you love. Shifting your focus from work to play and back again can keep you in a positive flow. 

Last year brought unexpected changes, but 2021 is about finding your footing and stabilizing yourself. Your priorities and values could shift based on all you encountered in 2020. Rework your budget and adjust the numbers to be more conservative as you rethink your financial goals and spending habits. Frugality is one of your character strengths, and this year, the more you save, the more you have to invest in yourself. Overall, your economic health looks good, or rather, great. Still, be mindful. You may want to make career changes later in the year and need time off, or you could incur extra expenses around the eclipses on June 10 and December 4. 

2021 features themes of self-worth, professional growth, and financial excellence, but the end of the year shifts your focus to love. The lunar eclipse on November 19 highlights relationships and commitment. Venus goes retrograde on December 19, and you could revisit a past relationship or recommit to a current one. This year is a year of harvesting the seeds you planted, and any intentions you've set for your love life will grow and bloom. 

Gemini (May 20-June 20)

2021 is a year to redefine your purpose and experience more of your power. With the North Node in your sign, this year is all about you. You can more easily commit to fulfilling work, transform unhealthy relationships, and prioritize yourself. Use your spiritual tools to set goals and envision a mission-led life. Create a vision board to ritualize the start of a new chapter of expanded living. 

Where do you want to go? As Jupiter and Saturn move through Aquarius, you could feel like an explorer in search of adventure. Make travel plans when it's safe. Allow your curiosity to help you navigate around limitations, especially on February 17 and June 14. 

Make wellbeing a top priority in February and December. Boost your immune system and reduce stress. In January, have an intervention if a family member has been negligent about their health. Otherwise, you could be tending to a sick relative at a pivotal point when you need all your energy. 

Higher education opens new doors of opportunity and facilitates career expansion. You are rising to a peak point in your career, and it's time to allow others to see your work on a larger scale. Forsake old coping mechanisms like self-judgment or perfectionism. Let others hear your voice through teaching, speaking, or writing. 

Because this is a year of exponential growth, your relationships could shift, especially on May 25, June 10, and December 4. Secure personal time and space for self-discovery. Be willing to see aspects of your partner you've previously been afraid to see. Be prepared to look at your shadow sides and assess what needs to be integrated and healed. If your relationship has come to an end or you've been unhappily single, you could reach new levels of acceptance about where you are and then adjust your vision for the future. 

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Can you imagine what carbon must feel like as it's metamorphosing into a diamond? It sustains high temperatures and extreme pressure on its way to becoming a brilliant gem. Likewise, you're the same person you were in 2017, but, through loss, frustration, disappointment, and life pressures, you've transformed. Think of how brilliantly you'll shine in 2021. At the beginning of the year, you're still closing chapters. So, take some time before goal setting or manifesting. 

The North Node in Gemini makes this a year of heightened spiritual awareness. Journal to access your inner guidance and wisdom. Take classes or workshops to develop your spiritual gifts like intuition and mindfulness. The eclipses on May 26 and June 10 inspire emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. 

Uranus moves through Taurus and disrupts unhealthy friendship dynamics. Saturn squares Uranus on February 17, June 14, and December 24, and you could question whether or not a loved one values your loyalty. If you feel underappreciated, ask for acknowledgment rather than allowing resentment to boil beneath the surface. You could also be called to serve a leadership role of an organization. 

Congratulate yourself on the work you've done to remove your protective shell and allow others to see, hear, and know you. Intimacy has been a theme in your relationships, especially romantic ones. The transits of 2021 will make you just uncomfortable enough to reach into your reserves of courage and become more powerful in your life. Keep this quote from Brené Brown in mind, "Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage." 

Your relationships will reach new levels of commitment this year. If you're single, focus on self-love and self-acceptance at the beginning of the year. Allow love to flow into your life and remove any obstacles you've erected out of a desire for self-protection. 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Make 2021 a year of collaboration and partnership. If you pride yourself on being independent, use both/and thinking to expand your sense of self. You can be both autonomous and relational. You are both a star and a supporting character. You will experience the most growth and transformation through your partnerships as Jupiter and Saturn transit through Aquarius. If you are single and want a partner, consider this good news. If you are in a relationship, you will learn lessons in commitment. You are fiercely loyal, but you have a hard time knowing when to say goodbye once a relationship has expired and all signs point to an ending. You'll explore how these themes played out in current or past relationships, especially in June and December. 

Your sense of purpose deepens as you discover new ways to share your gifts with the world. Rise to accept a call to leadership. Professionally, you have worked hard to lay a foundation for future success. If your work has felt fruitless, it's about to change. So keep going and don't lose faith. Success is imminent because of your dedicated effort. If you feel stuck, slow down and meditate. The answers for moving forward will come as sudden bursts of insight, especially around the eclipses on May 26, June 10, and December 4. 

From May 13-July 28, Jupiter moves into Pisces before going retrograde back into Aquarius, and you could seize an opportunity to invest in a business or property. Jupiter's influence can help you invest in yourself as well. Your intuition will lead you to the most auspicious path. Align with others who can help guide you in making wise, long-term financial decisions. You could see positive financial shifts through the end of 2021 and into 2022. 

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You have been hard at work laying the groundwork for what will manifest this year during the past two years. Keep moving forward, one step at a time. Your professional goals are well within reach, and you can achieve more recognition this year without as much effort as the North Node is in your career sector. The lunar eclipse on May 26 will help you clear obstacles to shine your light in new ways, and the solar eclipse on June 10 marks the beginning of a project or opportunity. 

Because you're more motivated by professional growth, you'll need to manage stress and make wellbeing a top priority. Take care of your health by being mindful about your diet, making time for exercise, and avoiding excessive behaviors. Balance is crucial, especially during Mercury retrograde from January 30-February 10 and May 29-June 22. 

Family circumstances could cause you to rewind to your past as you navigate ancestral patterns and do some deep healing with the South Node in Sagittarius. You will work through these themes the whole year and close chapters of unhealthy relationship dynamics with the solar eclipse on December 4, just in time for the holiday season. 

Relationships are another area of life in which you'll experience a shift as Jupiter makes its way into Pisces on May 13 and shines a bright light on partnerships and commitments. If you've been resistant to committing, you might have a change of heart as you recognize how you can be free to be yourself within a partnership. At the end of the year, you will learn how to allow others to help, support, and love you without condition. You don't have to earn this love; just receive it. 

Libra (September 22-October 22)

The past two years have challenged you to the core. How many times have you picked yourself up, dusted yourself off, and tried again? This year, your persistence and dedication pay off. This year opens the channels of your heart, allowing you to experience joyful new beginnings in life and love. You don't have to try so hard to accomplish goals or manifest desires. Sit back, admire the healing and personal growth you've accomplished. Then, allow goodness to flow into your life. 

Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius signify the opening of creative channels. What does creativity mean to you? Planting a garden? Making art? Writing a book? Starting a business? Having a child? The possibilities are limitless with the right combination of commitment, consistent effort, and good fortune, which you have this year. Overcome challenges by soliciting help from others on February 17, June 14, and December 24. 

Assess the areas of your life that feel restrictive. If you are stifled in your work or in a relationship that doesn't allow for self-expression, the eclipses on May 26 and June 10 could catalyze changes that will enable you to feel freer in those areas of your life. For inspiration, make travel a priority. 

At the beginning of the year, your mind is curious, and you're ready to learn, making this an excellent time to take courses or earn certifications. Not only will education facilitate professional development, but it will also encourage spiritual growth. 

Love and romance are prominent themes this year. Start with mastering self-acceptance from January 30-February 10. Mercury retrograde encourages you to drop perfectionism and self-doubt. Close all exit doors in your relationship so you can experience a deeper connection that will lead to a more fulfilling commitment. If you're single, be willing to wait for someone who will value you. Expect a relationship breakthrough in the fall. 

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

At the start of the year, you could feel you're on the precipice of change in all areas of your life. Uranus, the planet of surprises, moves through your opposite sign as a positive disruptor. At times, this influence feels unsettling, but a solid grounding or spiritual practice will help you stay centered amid shifting currents. Rely on close family and friends for support if you need it, and think of this as a time for adventure. 

From January to March, prioritize making your home a sacred space. Real estate is featured prominently with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, but Saturn's influence suggests you'll have hurdles to overcome, especially if you're making a move. If you are having work done to your home, check references for all contractors and workers, and be patient with any projects you begin. 

Make this a year to heal challenging family relationships. You could make discoveries about your genealogy or ancestral roots and learn more about yourself as a result. Healing might involve taking space or temporarily separating yourself from your family, especially if you're working through trauma or challenging familial patterns. In mid-February, June, and December, be willing to challenge inherited beliefs, and you'll have more freedom in general. 

In love, expect anything but boredom. If you're single, you could have a flurry of dating activity early in the year as Mars moves through your opposite sign. Things will balance out, and one of those prospective partners could stick around. Before rushing into a commitment, be willing to see the red flags. Invest in your healing to avoid projection or transference. If you're in a relationship, communicate with your partner about your need for freedom. You're building stable financial and emotional structures together, but you may need more personal space. You can have both. 

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You have mastered so many lessons over your lifetime, especially within the past two years. So, you have wisdom and knowledge to share, which is good because you can embrace your role as a teacher this year. You're ready to use your talents of speaking and writing to inspire and guide others. It would be the perfect year to start writing your book or sign up for a course to develop speaking skills. Start 2021 by creating a platform for yourself and stepping onto that stage. 

Saturn, the planet of structure, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will help you find the right words to express your ideas. Your biggest challenge? With your eyes aimed toward where you'd like to be in the future, your day-to-day responsibilities and routines could feel limiting, especially in January and February, when Jupiter and Saturn square off with free-spirited Uranus. These are times when you want to take slow, calculated steps forward and not make rash decisions. 

With Jupiter in Aquarius, you could have a stroke of luck that connects you to helpful people in your community who will open doors of opportunity in your career. 

The South Node is in your sign, which means this year's eclipses will catalyze significant change in your life. The Lunar Eclipse on June 10 shines a spotlight on your relationships. You face several choices this year—to commit or be free, stay or go, and enter in or stay solo. All the while, your heart drives you to diffuse fear and open yourself to love and partnership. By the final eclipse of 2021 on December 4, you will have optimism about what's possible for your romantic relationships. Be willing to question your beliefs about love, and have hope. 

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

2020 was a year of profound transformation for you, Capricorn. This year, you will build upon this new foundation as your ruling planet, Saturn, moves into future-oriented Aquarius. While we're all ready for a more carefree time, this will be a year to do what you do best—make judicious decisions and bide your time. 

In financial matters, be conservative with your spending and work toward long-term goals. Hold off on big-ticket purchases, and stay in touch with your budget. Nobody executes a plan better than Capricorn. Mercury goes retrograde from January 30-February 20, and you could have unexpected expenses or revisit past financial decisions. 

Rules and pressures can be frustrating but think of limitation as an opportunity. Slow down and be strategic in every area of your life. You can manifest your desires but only through a methodical, practical approach. It is especially true at the time of the Solar Eclipse on June 10. 

Let 2021 be the year you find your allies and collaborators. Build a community that can help you achieve your dreams. 

Later in the year, relationships become the focus. If you're in a relationship, talk through everything with your partner clearly and openly. Be vulnerable when you have concerns. Venus goes retrograde in your sign on December 19, which could signify a turning point in your love life. It's important to work through challenges early in the year. If you and your partner live more like roommates than lovers, make romance a top priority in the spring and summer months. If you're single, avoid going into a situation that compromises your integrity in any way. Focus on getting the love you want, especially in February and June. The beginning of July could have you ready to commit. An eclipse on November 19 awakens you to new possibilities in love. 

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Get ready for one of the most inspired years of your life. Saturn and Jupiter partner up in your sign all year, making this a time of growth, opportunity, and manifestation. It's time to leave your mark. As the most progressive sign in the Zodiac, we've never needed your light more than now. It is time to break free from personal limitations and raise the limits of what's possible for your life. What are you capable of achieving? What contributions do you wish to offer the world? 

The North Node in Gemini invites you to express yourself creatively. Jupiter is the planet of possibilities, and Saturn offers a strategy for realizing those possibilities. For some of you, this might be a year of taking on new responsibilities at work or home. Dream big, but know that your day-to-day steps are what will lead you to realize those dreams. 

You start the year with a stroke of luck from January 19-February 20 with the Sun in your sign. It will conjoin both Jupiter and Saturn, and you could receive professional opportunities. January 29 and 30 are especially fortunate. The same magic surrounds you from May 20-June 20. If you have considered starting a family, the solar eclipse on June 10 could bring welcome news. 
One of the biggest challenges you'll face is feeling pulled back to the past while wanting to rush into the future. You can more clearly see visions of where you want to go, but you might feel limited in moving toward those destinations. Family obligations could pull you away from your personal goals, especially on January 17 and December 24. 

If you don't see the fruits of your efforts this year, trust that you're planting seeds, and they will sprout. Keep the faith and stay committed to anything you start. As long as your heart's invested and leading the way, you'll reach success. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You stand on the precipice of a new beginning. For you, dear Pisces, that means swimming in the murky water of what was, what is, and what may be. You start the year by becoming aware of what endings you must mourn to create space in your life to celebrate the new. 

Often, the most creative and fertile times in our lives are when we feel most confused. That's not a sign of trouble; it's success in the making. You could be in one of those places this summer. Avoid self-judgment and trust that on the other side, you will see opportunities. Take this year to slow down, dream, and create. 

The lunar eclipse on May 26 highlights a change in your career. You could receive a calling or mission. Step up to the challenge. With Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, you're refining your beliefs. Be open-minded, especially this summer, when you don't want to follow any religious or spiritual leader blindly. 

You'll examine how your core relationships influence your pursuit of goals and dreams. Who's supportive? Who's not? Perhaps you had an awakening about this in 2020. This year offers peace in fractured relationships and a chance to clarify your past, roots, and ancestry. The North and South Nodes spark tension between familial obligations and your drive to succeed. You'll feel this in February especially. The eclipse on December 4 helps you find a balance between your desire to please others and your commitment to your dreams. 

You don't have to sacrifice your health and wellbeing for others. Nourish your root system so you can grow and branch out in new directions as Jupiter enters your sign on December 28, ushering in a time of opportunity and recognition, when your efforts will richly pay off.