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2019 Yearly Horoscope

Find out what's in store for you this year with this member-exclusive horoscope from astrologer Rachel Lang.

By Rachel Lang

Aries (March 21–April 19)

This will be a year of adventure if you dare to step beyond fear and follow your heart. For some, that might mean travel. Others might experience exciting career developments, while others may have exploits in love. The universe needs your “yes,” and then it will set into motion a fantastic chain of events. In January and July, seemingly preordained circumstances could inspire faith in the supernatural. Explore the meaning in all extraordinary encounters or synchronicities. Saturn’s influence in your career sector can help you achieve incredible success, but you need to remain dedicated and disciplined. See any delays as opportunities to course correct, and stay focused on your goals. You may have grown as an expert in your field. If so, you are ready to teach others or write a book. Jupiter shines in your sector of publishing this year, helping secure relationships with agents and publishers. In December, it moves to the top of your chart, offering you visibility and recognition. Take a moment late in the year to pause and celebrate your accomplishments before making a career transition. The eclipses in January, July, and December highlight changes within your home and family. With career and home lives in a bit of a flux, watch your spending and save money. You could see financial changes in December. Mercury goes retrograde in March, July, and late October. Do not dwell on past relationships; stay grounded in the present. Rather than chase a love interest, relax and allow things to unfold naturally.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Fasten your seatbelt; you are in for a ride in 2019! Uranus, the planetary rebel, moves into your sign on March 6, helping free you from fear and complacency. It wants you to live passionately and playfully, so release self-imposed or culturally defined limitations and head into a new chapter. Start the year by making slight adjustments to your appearance to reflect your new way of being. A personal revolution is on the not-too-distant horizon, but you have time to prepare by taking these sorts of steps. Jupiter’s influence encourages you to save and invest your resources as well as seek passive income opportunities. 2019 could also be a favorable time to secure a mortgage or other kinds of financing. Having faith can help you build immunity to the political, environmental, or economic fears swirling in the collective right now. Fear can be contagious, but so can courage. Realize your stability in life has more to do with your resilience than any external safety nets you may have established. In times of doubt, break up your routine. For example, travel can help open your imagination to possibilities. Since this is a year of profound spiritual growth, your relationships could undergo a metamorphosis, too. In January, June, and September, you may see your love interest through rose-colored glasses, especially in a new relationship. Because of this, you could overlook potential challenges or become lost in a hopeful fantasy. Take your time to get to know someone before handing them a key to your place, much less your heart.

Gemini (May 20–June 20)

Money and relationships are predominant themes for you in 2019. This is a root chakra year, one in which you need to be grounded in the present but considering the future to make wise financial decisions. On January 5, a solar eclipse offers important clues about what might unfold in the year ahead. Pay particular attention if you hear talk of investment opportunities or possible mergers. If someone approaches you about forming a business partnership, proceed with careful optimism, as this relationship could fast-forward your success. Jupiter, the planet of luck, shines favorably in your partnership sector until next December, helping you forge alliances that, at first, may seem too good to be true. Balance intuition and logic as you sign contracts, but privilege your sixth sense. If you have overlooked any warning signs in business, you will have second chances to see more clearly and course correct if necessary in mid-January, June, or September. The influences of Pluto and Saturn can empower you to be a more dynamic voice for change in the world. You are becoming quite an influencer. Also, you could feel a hint of magic and a touch of the supernatural in all you do, but focus that power in the physical realm. The eclipses in January, July, and December support you in working through self-worth issues, but this work may lead to a personal transformation as you make space for a more integrated self. Exciting shifts in your love life could provoke this evolution, whether you’re single or involved.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Throughout 2019, the North Node will be transiting your sign, prompting you to take charge of your destiny and live a more purposeful life. You will confront several of your deepest fears as they surface from within your subconscious, especially relationship or commitment ones. To face and overcome these fears, allow yourself to relax and breathe to relieve anxiety. Trust yourself, and then, from that position of power, let down your guard with others. Your vulnerability can be your core strength this year. Saturn could provoke your inner critic, but don’t give it power, otherwise you could project self-judgments or control issues onto others unnecessarily. The eclipses in January, July, and December will offer life lessons on how to be autonomous within a committed relationship. Ultimately, your goal is to find a balance, but the planets are stacked in your relationship sector, suggesting this will likely be your top priority. Some of you single Cancers might enjoy reading that! Commitment is a keyword, whether it’s with a business or life partner. Your core relationships will serve as the fulcrums for your soul growth and spiritual evolution. Jupiter in Sagittarius encourages you to be bold when going after a promotion, pursuing new clients, or following job leads. Luck is on your side. Uranus, the planet of surprises, moves into Taurus on March 6, adding some excitement to your social life. Your circle of friends may change unexpectedly. You could also receive invites to events where you will meet interesting new connections with people who align with your future path.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Are you ready for an exciting year? You have worked to prepare for the changes about to manifest. With benefic Jupiter in a fire sign, you’re better able to express yourself and follow your passion. A career change could manifest, especially one in a leadership position. Uranus, the planetary change-agent, moves into the most public sector of your chart in March, which is a favorable influence for marketing yourself or climbing up a rung on the ladder to success. Solar and lunar eclipses in January, July, and December remind you to take it easy and prioritize your health. Build up your immune system, and reduce unhealthy behaviors for optimal well-being, as this will be a priority in 2019. Jupiter shines on your love life until next December, expanding your desire and capacity for love. If you are single, a fling early in the year could evolve into something more. If you are involved, you and your partner may feel a stronger connection, which could also mean more passion. There could even be talks of starting a family. Existential questions in June and July could raise doubts about almost everything, including your love life. Questions don’t always lead to answers, but they can help you gain clarity about your purpose and goals. It would be easy for you to distract yourself by staying busy, but instead, take time to be introspective. You could have profound spiritual insights or receive guiding messages. Integrate any aspects of yourself that have you've forgotten and above all, celebrate your spiritual growth.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your ruling planet, Mercury, steals the show three times this year as it moves retrograde through water signs, reminding us that emotions have their own intelligence. In November, it will make a unique transit to the sun, and you could be published or promoted at that time. In all creative endeavors, work from your heart, even if you feel more vulnerable in doing so. Your analytical powers of reason will be no match for your intuition this year, and you will need to hone this sixth sense in January, June, and September when it will be necessary to separate truth from fiction in the storylines playing out in your life. Saturn says commit to nurturing your playful side, even if you have to work at it, and Jupiter’s influence suggests that might mean starting a family or working less to spend more time with your kids. The eclipses in July could lead to breakthroughs of inspiration, when you could feel compelled to express yourself in some way, through speaking, teaching, the arts, or becoming more involved in community affairs. Eclipses in January and December highlight new beginnings in romance. They can help spice up your love life, especially if you have been in a committed relationship for some time. It’s important to find ways to relax and have fun this year, especially when it comes to love. If you are too serious or worried about the future, you could miss out on some of life’s sweetest moments or block a creative flow.

Libra (September 22–October 22)

You have profound things to say and a perspective relevant to these times, so step up to the microphone and don’t shy away from the camera. Keep a pen close, as you could be in a continual writing flow. Journaling can be a useful practice, as this process allows you to tune others out and access wisdom from your higher mind. Jupiter in Sagittarius can help you with this or any intellectual activities, like writing, reading, teaching, or studying. You might consider taking a workshop or retreat for personal development in the summer. The eclipses in January, July, and December activate tension between your career and family life, and you may need to say a firm “no” on occasion to honor your priorities. Family or relationship conflicts could become distractions, especially if you step in to mediate someone else’s drama. Saturn reminds you to go deep within to deconstruct unhealthy familial or relational patterns. Therefore, willingly speak your truth. In late December you could make changes to your home or move. You may happen upon the perfect nest or create a true sanctuary. You will need to take a practical approach to your finances this year and save. When Mercury goes retrograde in late October, you could have extra expenses. 2019 is a meaningful year for your love life, too, especially if you are yearning to meet someone or commit to a partner. The North Node in Cancer invites you to embrace your emotional sensitivities to have a richer experience of love.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Raise your voice and be heard. Though you are usually a private person, you have important messages to deliver this year. Write, teach, speak, or tweet your ideas. You could reach a new audience through social media or market yourself in business. However, make sure you deliver the right messages in the most effective ways during the eclipse seasons in January, July, and December. Sensitivities can run high, and you want to communicate effectively, so proofread everything twice and speak with strength as well as compassion. Jupiter shines on your finances, increasing your earning potential and offering surprise money-making opportunities. That said, you need to watch your spending. Jupiter can inspire optimism but also an inflated sense of hope, which needs to be tempered to prevent excess in June and September. Relationships with siblings or close friends could undergo notable changes in the summer. You may have profound realizations or reach a new understanding of those relationships as you uncover the truth about the past. You could also decide to strengthen those bonds. In March, Uranus, the planet of electricity, moves into your relationship sector, sparking change in your love life. You may reinvent your relationship, or your urge for freedom could lead to a new beginning. Either way, expect exciting developments. Release regret and resentment to feel more liberated in love. Mercury is in your sign in October and November, and when it stations retrograde on October 31, hold a letting go ceremony to end the year open-hearted and willing to fall deeper in love.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

2019 is going to be your year! With Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in your sign, you can manifest more than you imagined possible. To make the most of this influence, you will need to be intentional about how you focus your time and energy. Jupiter makes everything seem feasible, but don’t take on too much at one time. Prioritize. Think about your biggest dream, the one of your heart’s longing. Make that your number one and say no to unnecessary activities or opportunities with too many conditions. Keep in mind, Jupiter transits help you plant seeds for new beginnings and connect with influential helpers, but you may not see the desired outcomes until next year. Saturn and Pluto hold court in your sector of money this year, offering you the chance to shift your financial attitudes and beliefs. In addition, the eclipses in January, July, and December highlight economic shifts and potential gains. With Jupiter’s influence, even losses or financial setbacks could lead to a change in course that may result in greater abundance over time. You will need to temper your optimism slightly in January, June, and December. During these times, take practical steps forward, without losing faith. Uranus, the planet of change, moves into Taurus on March 6, suggesting a time to seek more freedom in your day-to-day life. You could start to work from home, for example. Perhaps your heart’s longing is for a relationship. Set that as your intention for this Jupiter year, and on January 22, you could start to see evidence of an energetic shift toward that direction.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Stay focused on your goals, especially recent ones established over the past couple of years, and do not give up. You have cleared a path for yourself; keep walking that way, despite frustrations or upsets. 2019 and 2020 will be remarkable years as Saturn and Pluto both take residence in your sign. You will need to stay disciplined with health-related matters and finances, but you will be rewarded from your effort in 2020. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, settles into your sign in December, offering you a year full of opportunities. But you have to work now to achieve desired outcomes. The eclipses this year in January, July, and December indicate significant relationship changes. If you are single and hoping to fall in love, this could be good news! Love and commitment are big themes. In your love life, you could face relationship trials during this year of profound personal growth. It will be necessary to grow and evolve as individuals and together. Work to improve your communication within all types of relationships, especially during Mercury retrograde in July, to avoid misunderstandings among friends or colleagues. After March 6, change-agent Uranus shifts into your sector of children and creativity. It could surprise you with a bundle of joy or at least inspire talk of one. Because this is a highly productive time for you, maintain momentum, even if you feel burnt out. Most importantly, continue to elevate yourself above collective fear by focusing on your path, one step forward at a time.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your inner activist awakens more fully this year, and you could become more involved in your community as a result. You shine as a leader this year, with Jupiter in your sector of social networks. In fact, you could decide to chair a board or join a professional organization. Any new person coming into your life at this time could play a significant role in helping you achieve your goals, especially on January 22 and November 24. At the beginning of the year, emotional breakthroughs could help you deconstruct limiting psychological or karmic patterns to allow more abundance and joy into your life. This process will culminate in March, when trickster Uranus shifts into Taurus, encouraging you to excavate your past, mining through memories to separate dirt from gold. In this process, you could revisit your childhood home or spend more time with family. If asked to provide care for a relative, consider the financial implications and weigh the decision carefully. The same message applies to friends in need. You could also decide to make a move to plant roots in a new town in April or May. The eclipse on January 21 closes an important if a somewhat challenging chapter of your love life, and you could have insights to guide your next steps, whether single or partnered. 2017 and 2018 offered big turning points for your relationships. Later this year, you will begin to make changes in how you communicate with your partner or love interest. Honor your health this year, and have any lingering issues checked out, especially in July.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

For the first part of 2019, you could feel as if you have a bubble of protection around you, guarding you against negativity or ill will. Maintain this sense of assurance if you encounter tests of faith in January, June, and September. Jupiter shines his light in your career sector throughout the year, presenting you with opportunities for recognition and success, but you have to be careful to choose the most expansive path available. Follow whatever sparks passion. Even if you do not fully manifest a dream, that enthusiasm is your soul’s calling. While you usually are quite sensitive to others’ emotions and energies, this year, you have too much momentum for distractions. The eclipses in January, July, and December could mean new beginnings for your personal life. Shifting circumstances with friends could raise questions of loyalty. On July 2, you could enter a new social circle of like-minded people. Do not stand at the sidelines during last half of the year; step into the spotlight where others can see you in all of your brilliance. On March 6, Uranus moves into your third house, inspiring new ideas and helping you finish writing a book or developing a curriculum for a class. The eclipses on January 5, July 2, and December 26 highlight romance in your love life. Expect huge emotional breakthroughs throughout the year as you learn lessons in trust or brave a new beginning in love. With each crossroad you face, you will need to step forward in faith, while also being cautious about practical matters, like finances.