Omega Press Release

December 4, 2019

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Omega Announces Annual Nonprofit Retreat Grant Opportunity Aimed at Strengthening Social Impact

Nonprofit Working Retreat Grant Application Available Online, Deadline January 27, 2020 – Apply Now!

RHINEBECK, NY – Omega Institute, a nonprofit educational organization, today announced it is accepting applications from fellow nonprofits for its 16th annual Strengthening Communities Summit. The summit is part of a long-standing program, Nonprofit Retreats at Omega, which awards working retreat grants to organizations addressing social, economic, environmental, and cultural challenges in the Hudson Valley, and beyond. The application deadline for 2020 grants is January 27th.

“Nonprofits face immense challenges, from scarce resources, to regulations, to staffing. Typically the first thing to go, when trying to meet daily pressures, is dedicated time for planning,” said Carla Goldstein, president of Omega. “We are proud to be able to give back to our extended community by supporting the work of our nonprofit peers, many of whom provide a safety-net to the most vulnerable people among us.”

Omega partners with the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) on this program, which since 2005 has served more than 5,000 people from close to 350 organizations. Grant recipients come for 3-day/2-night, self-led, working retreats and receive access to all amenities on Omega’s 250-acre Hudson Valley campus. Funding includes simple accommodations, meals, and a private meeting space. Past recipients have used their time at Omega in many ways, from strategic planning and cultivating leadership, to reflection, team-building, and problem solving.

While at Omega, organizations also participate in the Nonprofit Clinic, a free one-hour consultation with NYCON for support in any aspect of nonprofit health—from financial management to resource development, strategic planning, and board and leadership development. Additionally, summit participants can contract with NYCON for more robust retreat planning services and facilitation assistance.

Danielle Weisberg, director of child welfare services at Westchester Institutue for Human Development, attests to the value of her agency participating in the summit program. "You really won't find another experience like this. Between the bucolic setting, the warmth of the staff, and the indescribable energy that surrounds you, Omega is an ideal setting for nonprofits to step away from their daily responsibilities and transform a part of their organization and culture."

The Nonprofit Retreats at Omega program is generously supported by the Dyson Foundation and Rose & Kiernan, Inc.

Apply online, or to learn more, contact Omega’s community engagement manager Betty Schlicht at

For more information about Omega visit, and follow Omega on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. 

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About Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
Founded in 1977, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies is the nation's most trusted source for wellness and personal growth. As a nonprofit organization, Omega offers diverse and innovative educational experiences that inspire an integrated approach to personal and social change. Located on 250 acres in the beautiful Hudson Valley, Omega welcomes people to its workshops, conferences, and retreats in Rhinebeck, New York, and online at