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Help Omega Move #ForwardTogether

By Elizabeth Lesser

Since the coronavirus pandemic forced us to cancel our 2020 season, Omega has suffered financial losses in the millions of dollars. If we cannot secure the funds to keep ourselves viable until we can reopen the campus and begin to earn our own revenue again, Omega’s doors will close.

By supporting our #ForwardTogether campaign, you are helping us remain operational at a time when what we have to offer is desperately needed.

How You Can Help

Spread the word. Share the campaign with your networks. Let them know the vital role Omega has played in your work and the importance of keeping it alive in the culture. 

•    On Facebook: Include this link in your post:
•    Via email and other social networks: Share the link to our campaign page:

Refer “angels” to us. Facilitate introductions on our behalf to potential “angel investors” in your network. To do so, please contact Omega’s Chief Development Officer, Veronica Fitzgerald ( or 845.266.4444, ext. 402).

Make a personal donation. We are asking everyone in the Omega community to stretch in some way. To donate today, visit

Your support will help ensure that what we started more than 40 years ago will survive our current financial crisis.

Thank you for supporting Omega so that we can continue to support each other.