Sharon Gannon is the founder, along with David Life, of the Jivamukti Yoga method. She is a student of Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati, Shri Swami Nirmalananda, Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, and Shri Shyamdas, and is an initiate into the Pushtimarg vaishnava sampradaya of Vallabacharya through Shri Milan Baba Goswami.

She is a leader in teaching yoga as spiritual activism and is credited for making yoga cool and hip—relating ancient teachings of yoga to the modern world. Sharon’s book, Yoga and Veganism: The Diet of Enlightenment, has been called the “seminal” work on the subject, a ground-breaking work that explores the relationship of veganism to the teachings found in Patanjali’s yoga sutra.

In addition to teaching yoga, Sharon is a polymath who excels in many disciplines including painting, dance, writing, and music. During the 1980s she was the vocalist and violinist with the improvisational art band Audio Letter. She has been a featured vocalist on many CDs including Sharanam, which is her 2010 solo album, produced by Ferenz Kallos. Sharon is a scholar as well as the author of 14 books, which have been translated into many languages.