George Locker began his study of tai chi (Taijiquan) as a martial arts student in 1977 under Grand Master Cheng-Hsiang Yu, a legendary teacher and practitioner. Upon Master Yu’s death, George studied under Master Robert Murphy, the senior student of the class, and he still does.
After decades spent mastering tai chi, George came to realize that its principles of balance and stability could be separated from the self-defense component, and instead used to create balance-specific exercises appropriate for anyone who can stand and take a step.
After several years of teaching balance and stability to senior athletes, George created Postural Retraining™, a system of stationary and moving postures that enhance balance and stability. He is author of Falling Is Not an Option: A Way to Lifelong Balance, an illustrated book of fifteen balance-focused exercises, and A Science of Healthy Balance: Why We Need One, What It Might Look Like.