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Jill Taylor's Health Transformed With Dr. Tom

Grounding in the Great In-Between

An Autumn Retreat to Release, Renew & Reconnect

Revitalize your being and connect more deeply with the life-giving force within and around you with restorative yoga teacher Jillian Pransky.

Join us October 4 - 6, 2024 in Rhinebeck, NY

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In October of 2010, Jill Taylor turned 50 and decided it was time to do a cleanse. She had suffered for years with chronic health issues, and a friend suggested a trip from Rochester to Omega Institute.

Taylor had never been to Omega or met Dr. Tom Francescott, a naturopathic and intuitive doctor who specializes in Transformational Cleansing™. She was excited to treat herself with one of his workshops for the week.

Taylor says it was one of the best decisions she has made for herself. She learned how to juice and how to meditate—two things she had never done before.

“It was the first time ever that I got energy from food,” she said. “I didn’t need coffee or soda to feel energetic.”

When she returned home, she bought a juicer. She also learned that eating gluten free and dairy free made a huge difference with her weight. Since her visit, she has lost and kept off more than 60 pounds.

“The cleanse jump-started my metabolism,” Taylor said. “I didn’t think I had one before. And it’s not about how I look, it’s that I feel comfortable in my pants now. I owe Dr. Tom so much.”

She also met new friends in the cleanse workshop that she continues to stay in touch with.

“I went home from Omega so filled with hope that I could have a future more than just feeling blah and overweight,” Taylor said, “You can grow.”

Taylor continues to eat organic, meditate, enjoy fresh juice, and maintain her healthy lifestyle.

“Even though my health is not 100 percent yet, the cleanse provided a life change for me,” she said.

Learn more about Dr. Tom Francescott.

Learn more about cleanses.