Blue heron in reeds

July 2024

our living classroom July is when the constructed wetlands at the Omega Center for Sustainable Living (OCSL) reach full height. Take a tour of the OCSL to learn what the future of sustainability looks like, and how we use plants and microorganisms to put clean water back into the aquifer. A short walk down to Long Pond gives you the opportunity to take in our native wetlands.

Browse In-Person Workshops

July in Rhinebeck
Jul 1–31
Coming up at Omega in July

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We can't wait to welcome you in July.



Rhinebeck, NY

Just Come Sing

With John Del Cueto

Jul 7–12, 2024

  • Lisa Weiner
  • Photograph of Jamia Wilson


Rhinebeck, NY

Narrative Healing

With Lisa Weinert, Jamia Wilson

Jul 7–12, 2024

View July 2024 Catalog

If you prefer, you can also browse all July courses using this digital catalog. Complete with clickable links. 

Must See Places on Campus

Don't miss these popular spots on the Omega campus in Rhinebeck, NY.

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A Day at Omega

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