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Make the Most of Your Omega Membership

Omega's member benefits include access to many exciting resources, including online content tailored to your interests, workshop savings, and on-campus discounts.

Grounding in the Great In-Between

An Autumn Retreat to Release, Renew & Reconnect

Revitalize your being and connect more deeply with the life-giving force within and around you with restorative yoga teacher Jillian Pransky.

Join us October 4 - 6, 2024 in Rhinebeck, NY

Learn More

No matter how far from campus you may be, membership is your connection with Omega's workshops, events, musical performances, people, and ideas—the rich and varied offerings we continue to cultivate after more than 40 years of awakening the best in human spirit.

The highlight of Omega membership, our monthly Member newsletter, connects you to ongoing conversations with some of our leading teachers. In addition to behind-the-scenes articles, the newsletter invites you to enjoy samples of world-class performances, offers experiential connection with workshops, and, yes, even provides seasonal recipes so you can recreate the flavors of the Omega dining room and other healthy recipes in your own kitchen.

Your Member Profile Is Your Portal to a Customized Experience

In addition to receiving the newsletter’s monthly selection of members-only articles and videos, you can tailor your Member Profile to reflect your interests in Omega’s extensive online collection—whether it’s Body, Mind & Spirit, Creative Expression, Leadership & Work, Health & Healing, Relationships & Family, or Sustainable Living.

Your specific interests trigger an alert that lets you know whenever new material is published online. You can also use your profile to order the latest workshop catalog, get answers to FAQs, update and manage your membership donations, and access your free online learning course by using the promotional code at the top of your profile page when you register.

Here’s how to customize your online profile:

  1. Click "Edit Profile."
  2. Choose any of the six "Areas of Interest" that appeal to you. Content from these areas will then appear in your profile’s "Recommended" section.
  3. Use the “Edit Profile” tab to add a photo, update your personal information (including email address and password), and change your contribution amount.

Save & Organize Your Content

Your member profile also enables you to save and organize your favorite content for future reference—a useful way to catalog your interests from the wealth of workshops, interviews, articles, videos, and talks available on Omega’s website.

Simply follow these steps to save and organize your favorite content:

  1. Click the flag icon in the upper right-hand corner of the content tile, or choose the “Add to favorites” tab on the left side of the content page.
  2. The material will be added to your “My Favorites” list, which you can access from your Profile page.

Helpful hint: Workshop content saved to “My Favorites” will no longer be available once the program date has passed.

Go to the Head of the Line & Save on Workshop Registrations

Omega offers hundreds of workshops every season and it’s no secret that many of the popular ones fill quickly. As a member, you’ll jump to the head of the line via an email alert when the program registration is open. In addition, most programs have a special discount rate just for members.

Here's how to register for membership discounts on workshops:

  1. On the workshop’s description page, click “Tuition & Fees.”
  2. Open the “Tuition” tab to see if a membership discount is available.

Helpful hint: You can also review all programs you’ve registered for by opening the “My Orders” tab.

And When You’re On Campus…

Your membership translates into more savings at Omega’s Wellness Center, Café, and Store. Receive your discounts simply by letting the staff know you’re a member, or show them your membership card or the name badge you receive at check in.

Do you have a question we haven’t answered? Visit the FAQ page or contact us.