workshop Rhinebeck, NY

A New and Ancient Story Retreat

From the Age of Separation to Reunion


May 22–26, 2025


Member: $195.00

Standard: $215.00

Hand reaching out touching grasses

This retreat immerses participants in a new, ancient story that unites spirit and matter, fostering community through lectures, meditation, dialogue, and group practices.

Charles Eisenstein speaks at the NAAS Conference about a new age in which we unite spirit and matter, human and nature, self and other.

Our civilization today lives within a dying mythology, the Story of Separation. As it crumbles, the basic questions that the old story answered arise anew. Who am I? What is real? How can I serve change? Where did we come from and where are we going?

A new story is rising to answer these questions and make sense out of chaos. It is new but also very ancient. It is a story that unites spirit and matter, human and nature, self and other, dissolving, then giving new understanding to these categories altogether.

This retreat is an immersion in this new and ancient story, using lecture, story, meditation, dialogue, and group practices to deepen our understanding and embodiment of a new mythology for civilization, to hold it in community, and to apply it directly to our lives.

Join us to experience genuine human connection and explore the profound mythology of the age of reunion as we remember our stories together.

More Information

Please note: This annual retreat is now open to both NAAS members and the wider community. A New and Ancient Story (NAAS) is an international online community founded by Charles Eisenstein and Patsy Eisenstein.

Please note: The membership and standard fees cover Omega's facilities costs for the New and Ancient Story Retreat. Charles Eisenstein does not receive payment from Omega. Instead, he invites participants to self-determine tuition to contribute directly to him during the event. More details will be made available at the retreat.

Retreat begins Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Workshop Rhinebeck, NY

May 22–26, 2025

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A New & Ancient Story Retreat

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  • Charles Eisenstein

    Charles Eisenstein is a thought leader and speaker focused on themes of human culture and identity...