
The OCSL opened in 2009 with the construction of our Eco Machine™, a natural wastewater reclamation facility designed in partnership with acclaimed biologist, John Todd. Since then, the OCSL has been dedicated to sustainability, social, and environmental justice, and building an effective response to our changing climate both in terms of mitigation and resilience. 

Many leading thinkers have taken part in OCSL workshops and conferences, including Vandana Shiva, Wangari Matthai, Jane Goodall, Maude Barlow, Winona LaDuke, Paul Hawken, Bill McKibben, and Al Gore.

The OCSL has been actively engaged in local, regional, and international efforts—from UN conferences and events and the UNFCCC Education, Communication, and Outreach Stakeholders Community (ECOS), to serving as a founding organizational partner of the Dutchess County BOCES Center for Sustainability and Climate Education.


Our Teachers

  • Abrah Dresdale

    Abrah Dresdale

    Abrah Dresdale is a visionary social permaculture designer, educator, and culture-shift consultant.

  • Resmaa Menakem

    Resmaa Menakem is a psychotherapist specializing in the effects of trauma on the human body.

  • Sherri Mitchell

    Sherri Mitchell is an indigenous rights activist, teacher, and transformational changemaker.

  • Vandana Shiva

    Vandana Shiva

    Vandana Shiva, PhD, is a world-renowned environmental leader, eco-feminist, author, and thinker.

  • Conor Stedman

    Connor Stedman

    Connor Stedman, MS, is an ecological designer, farm planner, and climate educator.


The OCSL is one of the greenest buildings in America. We treat 100% of Omega's wastewater with zero chemicals and zero net energy.

We welcome all visitors—students, teachers, activists, contractors, architects, elected officials, and others—who want to learn more about natural water reclamation, sustainable living, and green building.

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